UPDATED: (Click on image to enlarge). Please take a moment to say a Kapittel Tehillim for a Yungerman from our community who suffered a heart attack today. The 30 year old Yungerman was flown from KMC to Columbia University Hospital in NY a short time ago, where he will be undergoing surgery. His name is Yosef Mordechai Ben Eidel Dreizel. Besuros Tovos.
U/D 9:10 p.m. The procedure was Baruch Hashem successful and the Yungerman is recovering. He will be released from the hospital on Friday Iy'h.
why was he taken to kmc???
The law is that a patiant in critical condition must be taken to th enearest hospital...and in the case of kimball they are very often taken usually by medivac to a better hospital
I see that they are usually taken to jersey shore. Why? Isin't kimball closer?
they are taken to jersey shore when th eissue is trauma as they are the nearest trauma center. (kimball doesn't have a trauma center. however for other emergencies they are brought to kimball.
besides, it really is the best and quikest way to get to manhatten, by airlifting them from kimball.
any updates
My Husband went to visit him today and he is BH doing wel. He will probably have to stay for Shabbos. Besuros Tovos...
does any one know a last name?
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