NOTICE: Police have just been called to 6
th Street in the
BMG area for parking enforcement. Police were called by a neighbor who says her driveway was blocked by an illegally parked car. The car is being ticketed at this time. We would like to remind our readers-that although it's important to be on time for Seder-besides for
receiving a ticket-causing a
Chillul Hashem in the process is not worth it.
Wow noone yelling Anti-Semitism yet?? People think that BMG is sort of on another planet. You can park in fire lanes, block others in...When the cops start ticketing they start yelling that the cops have nothing to do and only hang around BMG blah blah blah...
You're right. NOONE thought of this as anti-semitic.. that is until you came along with your hateful comment.. It's only idiots like you that like to stir up strife! I think you are a prime candidate for some heavy sensitivity training!!
Why should we not assume that the "parker" was NOT a BMG 'talmid, it was someone else who could not find parking and he or she blocked the driveway? (He or she may of not been able to find parking because ALL 'talmiday' BMG only park in legal spots. Of course.)
Whew! I (and i hope you too) feel much better now.
I happen to know someone who leves on that block & I know that the ladies dropping kids off @ playgroups block & even park in driveways at least as much as yungerleit do
its sad that this message need to be put up. where are "WE" in life right now that "we" cant think of others but ourselfs. Hashem please help us we need your help with out you we are lost
We all must realize that getting to prayer or class in very important. But Fire lanes save lives. They are there for a reason, fire trucks must have access to fire hydrants. We all agree that BMG must address the lack of parking sooner or later. Safety is a Key issue maybe a bigger parking lot is needed.
ANYONE who parks in front of someones driveway is a THIEF!!! no one should be blocking ANYONES driveway FOR ANY REASON, I had an important dr's appointment once and was running late, I come outta my house and BEHOLD theres a car blocking my driveway (not the first time) but this time it really got me aggravated, I called the cops and had them issue a summons then I called a towing company and got them to tow it away. Its outright GEZAILAH and selfish and in my opinion the entire day's worth of learning is worthless, so please double check where you park when you come to learn and make a kiddush hashem not a chillul hashem....
Who gives you the right to assume the car's driver parked it illegally in order to get to Seder on time? Maybe it was someone that comes too late to find a normal spot?? And who says it was even someone who studies @ BMG??
I cannot believe that someone would "intentionally" block someone's driveway.. If that were to be the case, then that person is, in my opinion, a menace to society and would need some basic skills training..
I therefore presume that the "parker" unintentionally parked in a most careless and inconsiderate manner and will hopefully now learn the appropriate lesson.
I don't know the address where this occurred, but perhaps the property owner would be well advised to better distinguish their driveway from the curb.
Hey, what's going in here? This isn't Bobov in Boro Park!!
I work in a dental office on across from a schul/ temple/ synagogue and we frequently have our driveway partially or totally blocked by those who attend. There is no available parking for our patients on the street either during those times. We have also had to call the police to have the cars moved who are blocking our driveway so patients and the doctor can have access to our small lot in the rear of the building. The doctor has contacted the township and has attempted to get two spaces right in front of office designated as patient parking only during our hours to no avail. This is in no way a prejudicial instance, but just an attempt to run a professional office with our patients safety and connivance in mind.
Sounds like you don't understand English. Well you can always fix that. There are books like "English For Dummies"...The book's title actually sounds truly appropriate for you. Don't start teloling me how people react when the cops are around BMG,I've learned there too and know exactly how it goes.
Aside from your negative and condescending attitude, your comment lacks coherence.
3:11 -
The next time you babble, try not to come across like some cynical egghead..
To 3:11
Being that you're familiar with the "For Dummies" series I strongly recommend that you study "Common Sense For Dummies"
Face it, 11:56 is right on the money. If something stated in that comment is beyond your grasp, then don't be bashful & ask.. instead of just babbling.
As it stands, your entire comment lacks credibility..
Aey, I got a idea. Let someone who needs a 'parnoosa' start a bus service for those who can't find parking. The feds will pay for it soon enough. And 'ah gitten toog'.
Mazel tov 'le'mafray'ah'.
its BMG's fault they keep on taking more talmidim and donr provide the adequate parking needed for the talmidim .
build a garage or a parking lot.
Thank you TLC for this very important reminder. With out this reminder who knows what would happen.
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