JUST IN: (PHOTOS) A motorcyclist has just been struck by a minivan at the corner of Carey and Madison and was thrown approximately 100 feet. PD, FD and EMS with
ALS units have just arrived on scene. As we post this, the units on scene are advising that the cyclist is conscious at this time. PD have just closed off the area. We will keep you updated with all further details. Photos will be posted shortly.
U/D 10:55 p.m. The patient is being transported by EMS to Jersey Shore with medics aboard with non life
threatening injuries. (Better images will be posted soon).
TLS-05/TLS-44. Photos by:
TLS-001/Photo Eli/TLS-SCP
the motorcyclist was dricing at a high rate of speed with one wheel in the air when he passed courtney where I was waiting at the light it was impossible to see him as his headlight was pointed to the sky
To anon 1 I hope u stoped to tell the pd bec u can prob help the driver out if u did
maybe you should let the police know this so the other person will not get ticketed as the person going down madision officialy has the right of way.
I did not stop as the traffic was all backed up so I just made the right and went around I posted it here in case the driver needed help if no other witnesses came forward
Brilliant, driver.
I'm sure the driver of the minivan will tell the judge "It's not my fault & I have an anonymous witness to prove it."
Lakewood Drivers MUST be more careful, I ride a motorcycle as well as about another 12 frum Lakewood residents. I go Through Near death experiences EVERY SINGLE DAY!!. People in this town are obnoxious and not courteous. Drivers intend to underestimate the distance and speed of the motorcycle all of the time! and don't know what right of way means, as well as stop AT the stop sign (not 10 feet after).
PLEASE be more careful and always look twice at an intersection and wait an extra second if you see a motorcycle approaching the intersection. it can take one second for someone to loose a life over not waiting an extra second at the corner
Talk about over response not one hatzolah member on scene and the place was jammed with emergency vehicles
i ride a motercycle and you have to give us rooom the drivers in this town scare me so i only ride near my house on hope chapel i never go near yeshiva area
hopefully all ems FD personal parked legaly so N/o should be ticketed !!!!
If you ride a motorcycle the dvd ride like a pro by jerry palladino is a must, a motorcycle police officer made it and he teaches easy riding techniques, which have made me 110% better rider and have saved my life a few times
From one of the pictures it looks like one of the wheels from the fire truck is over the yellow line ,does anybody know if Wilson was on scene and if he wrote a ticket? he can use the soops pic in case he missed it
Well, to all of you motorcycle drivers, how about when there is traffic and you dart along in between lanes to avoid it?.....
Lakewood First Aid members are not allowed to go with their private cars to the scene. They have to go to the garage and go with the ambulance unless they are passing the scene so they probably wouldn't get a ticket and firefighters know to park their cars far from the scene so they dont block incoming fire trucks
You motorcycle drivers drive like morons so stop telling everyone else off. You endanger YOURSELF. Just look at this guy. He was one wheel in the air on Rt 9 AT NIGHT!
I cannot understand how someone that witnessed the details of the accident just drove off. No matter where you're heading you stop,give at least your contact info to an officer and only then leave. Wouldn't you want the same done for you?
Unfortunately, many people in lakewood,with a large percentage of them being jewish, do not have their heads screwed on right when they are driving, they drive carelessly, wrecklessly, without thinking, their minds are wandering some place off, while it should be focused at the task at hand, which is driving the stupid car. I am jewish AND FRUM and drive both a car and a motorcycle, and have almost been in accidents with both of them in the past years, ALL OF YOU REALLY HAVE TO BE MORE CAREFUL, AND PAY ALOT MORE OF ATTENTION WHILE YOU DRIVE. And for the the anonymous MORON ABOVE ! the gut riding the motorcycle was not doing a wheelie because he was thrown a hundred feet ahead of the bike you idiot ! He pulled in the front brake too hard, which caused the rear wheel of the bike to come up into the air launching him foward, its called an endo, but you don't really know anything about motorcycles, so please keep your mouth shut, and don't make a fool out of yourself, by posting garbage.
frum person with a motor cycle??!!! no wonder y ur annynomous- u want ur kids to get shuddichum!!!!!
Hehe look who's speaking, you don't even know me and your passing judgment on me, let me remind you that is Hashems job, being so judgmental as you are, I wonder how the hell your kids are going to get shuddichum, do me a favor, go take a good look in the mirror, and look at your rotten self, and once you you're all perfect, then maybe you can go ahead and pass judgement on others.
I agree with person above, we are not the ones who should be passing judgment on others, that is what Hashem does, not us, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are approaching soon, you should be careful, and work on yourself rather than just making false assumptions about people, so what if he/she has a motorcycle, so what! He/she is right, people here drive recklessly and endanger the lives of others, people have to stop shooting stop signs, they have to follow the right of way, and be conscious of their surroundings and use their blinkers 50 FEET BEFORE YOU MAKE A TURN, not right before the turn.
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