Sunday, August 30, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Fire At Capitol Hotel

BREAKING NEWS: (PHOTOS & VIDEO). Multiple Fire fighters and PD are currently battling a fire at the Capitol Hotel. Smoke was reported about 10 minutes ago and as the fire department arrived, flames started shooting out of the top floor window. A video will be posted soon.
U/D 3:45 a.m One police officer was just transported to KMC by EMS for smoke inhalation. Mutual aid was called in from neighborhing towns. Many community Askanim have arrived on the scene including R' Moshe Dovid Ehrman and Meir Lichtenstien. Hatzolah units on scene are requesting medics to standby. One person has not been accounted for at this time. Chaveirim and LCSW are also on the scene assisting with crowd control.
U/D 5:00 a.m. The fire is out at this time. There are reports of one fatality-found in the room where the fire broke out. CIU units have just arrived and Prosecutors office as well as the Medical Examiners office are en route.
U/D 5:27 a.m. We are getting reports of three police officers at Kimball Medical Center at this time-although unclear if they are there for injuries or to assist. (Mobile users click here to view video on youtube)




Anonymous said...

Boy, you guys are on the ball! You got this one right on!

Be safe all you rescuers and firefighters!!!

Anonymous said...

i was just by the seen there are fire department there from howell, brick coltsneck, point pleasent....

Anonymous said...

my husband is a firefighter here in Lakewood and he is out there tonight fighting this fire. Please say a prayer for his safe return home along with everyone else fighting it and for the one person not found yet.

yummi slice said...

I heard Kol Tuv pizza is serving grilled pizza the rest of the week

Anonymous said...

is this fire number 80 for the capital?

Anonymous said...

Nu scoop.... you were up passed your bedtime last night (this morning)?!?!?! You went to chap a snooze now?!

Anonymous said...

The only fire departments on scene were Lakewood, Pleasant Plains, Howell. Point Pleasant was there for the Fast Team.

Anonymous said...

Ya'know, the media is not supposed to sleep on the job!!! You can get suspended for sleeping now!

Anonymous said...

was the fatality a yid?

Anonymous said...

Was Mr. Wilson there to hand out tickets to the Fire or EMT personnel?

Reb Darshener said...

This is really bad news for all of the yidden that thier parnasah depends on the Crapitol Hotel. May the K'lall pray for our brothers & sisters in this month of Elul that the Aibister bestow Bracha and Hatzlacha upon them and all of K'lal Yisroel!!

Anonymous said...

to anonymous # 3 , we all here in lakewood appreciate your husbands and the entire forces service, our hopes and prayers are with you, did he make it back okay?

Anonymous said...

Misaskim was not needed for the fatality.

Chesed Shel Emes said...

Anon: 10;19 am :You mean the Chevra Kadisha was not needed for the fatality.

misaskim ???????? said...

To annon 10:03. I didn't know there was a misaskim unit in lakewood that would take care of such a thing if there services where needed I'm under the understanding that the chevrah kadisha would handle just a case misaskim was formed just to fill a gap in other community's not where there is one centralized chevrah kadisha like there is in lakewood. Please advise

Anonymous said...

is this article trying to promote LCSW, or were they "really" needed to control the "crowds" at "4:00 in the morning"?

Anonymous said...

Why did they put out the fire?

Anonymous said...

u forgot to mention the buffs !

Anonymous said...

to anonymous at 10:10am, thank you and yes he made it home safe and sound. As did all the others.

Anonymous said...

I believe misaskim does exist. The chevra kadisha is trying to sideswipe them and make us think that they don't. But in actuallity, I had a case where I needed services of the chevra kadisha and it took them hours to respond, so I welcome misaskim. And will support them in their avodas hakodesh.

Anonymous said...

just wonderin is the capital still in lkwd? didn't the gedolim shut it down a few yrs ago?
signed: amimissingsomething

Anonymous said...

dear amimissingsomething, yes u r missing something. the capital has been open the last few yrs

Fellow FF Wife said...

Dear fellow FF wife,

You could not have said it better.

EVERYONE of our FF came home safe and sound last night.

Be Safe,

Anonymous said...

The LCSW program is great it helps the Police with an extra set of eyes but
How does the LCSW keep crowd control at a fire? Ive never heard of a neighborhood watch program actually doing crowd control at a fire, does the the town cover them on liability insurance like a volunteer fireman or EMT

N. R. #4621 said...

In response to Anon: 3:25 PM I do not think that the Chevra Kadisha is sideswiping Misaskim. The Hailigeh Lakewood Chevra has been here for many years and may feel they have Chazaka here in the shtut and another organization encroching on their "turf" will only be a chesaron to the olam. The unique group of individuals that make up the Chevrah Kadisha Men and women uphold to the highest standards of Kavod Hameis at all times. Maybe others have their own ideas and ways to handle a certain matzav (there is more than one way to skin a cat). Yes, they may be going through some growing pains due to the growth of our comunity. But instead of bashing each other we should put our heads and resources together and make a true Kiddush Hashem and a Chevrah Kadisha that all other Heimishe communities would want to emulate. As far as the incident where it took hours to respond to a death, I ask what were the circumstances? Was it an out of state death? or a Medical Examiners case? These could all have been factors. Every case is different."BEELA HAMOVES LUNETZACH OOMUCHA HASHEM ELOKIM DIMAH"

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Reb Nate, I am sure that you wrote that. Nicely said!! yasher koach!

Geshmake Askan said...


Anonymous said...

I love the Buffs

Anonymous said...

To anon 3:25,

I believe that your unfortunate situation (may it be Hashem's will that such never be repeated) took place outside of the Lakewood boundaries / Ocean County. Is this not correct??

Anonymous said...

To anon 10:02,
Mr Wilson is old news-crawl back into your cave and let it go..Play by the rules and everybody goes home safe with no tickets ... Nice Stop LFD-- in many other towns the wrecking balls would have started today taking the hotel down- Thanks to the all the EMS guys(LFAS & HFAS) and the others groups that assisted at this scene. TEAMWORK is what is all about.

Anonymous said...

Oh no not so fast. This community has a long memory. Alot of witneeses saw what Wilson did.
Showing up to a big fire & smiling together makes good PR but as long as you have one bad cop harassing Hatzolah members, it's all worth nothing.

Anonymous said...

Anon's 10:38 & 11:36,

I don't fully agree with anon 10:38 that when there is true teamwork one rotten apple will spoil the entire crop.. My feeling on this is, that the other men in uniform are fine law enforcement citizens & I'm happy to be protected by them (& of course with my tax dollars being spent for their good work).

However, contrary to anon 11:56, Mr. Wilson is NOT old news at all, and yes, I do have a problem with my tax dollars paying his wages.

I can only hope that he decides to shape up, so that this kind of behavior will indeed become just old news..

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:38
what excactly are "the ruels"? that some idiot can decide that someone hit by a car only has a "sore ankle" and prevent them from getting medical care? like 11:56 says. this community has a long memory. there have been many other instances of Hatzolah members being harassed on calls. This time everyone saw what happened!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anon's 10:38 & 11:56,

I don't fully agree with anon 11:56 that when there is true teamwork one rotten apple will spoil the entire crop.. My feeling on this is, that the other men in uniform are fine law enforcement citizens & I'm happy to be protected by them (& of course with my tax dollars being spent for their good work).

However, contrary to anon 10:38, Mr. Wilson is NOT old news at all, and yes, I do have a problem with my tax dollars paying his wages.

I can only hope that he decides to shape up, so that this kind of behavior will indeed become just old news..

Anonymous said...

believe misaskim does exist. The chevra kadisha is trying to sideswipe them and make us think that they don't. But in actuallity, I had a case where I needed services of the chevra kadisha and it took them hours to respond, so I welcome misaskim. And will support them in their avodas hakodesh.

TO ANON 325 DATED 8/30
i must say you write a very interesting comment as my chavrusa who i learn with every night happens to be a member of the lakewood chevra kadisha and he called me this past motze shabbos that he unfortunatly wont be able to make our seder as unfortunatly
someone passed away over shabbos and he's slightly busy i asked him when he would be available and he said really hard to tell as until all the details are arranged he wont beavailable He explained to me how much is involved from arrangeing to pick up the deceased from hospital right after shabbos,shmera,sitting down with the family,arranging the tahara,purchasing a mokom kevura, the levaya,getting the paperwork done,building an aron,taking care that all goes smooothly at the levaya, driving out to woodbridge nj to make sure the kevura was done kedas ukedin
returning home after 5 pm sunday and then being called at 1030pm to arrange an aron kodesh because MISASKIMS were all unavailable to LKWD as they were being used in the mountains over the summer.
no he doesnt have a big truck emblazend with a logo,no he doesn't take/get credit or recognition for being on call 24-6
no he doesnt get recognition for running around on a yomtov to arrange shifts of shomrim &food for shomrim for someone who was niftar at the beginning of a 3 day yomtov,nor does he take credit when called by bikur cholim to arrange a shomer in a diffrent county a 1/2 hour before shabbos for a child who was unfortunatly killed in a nearby community
no he isnt looking for your recognition or haskomo but to "mach avek" yungerleit who are available on call 24-6 for over 20 years who dont look or ask for your recognition is a lack of hakoros hatov
if you had a situation where help wasn't extended to you right away please bring it up to them im sure they will be happy to address your concern to make sure that it wont happen to someone else in need of their services chas vesholom
wishing you a gut yur
may the services of chevra kadisha/misaskim not be needed here in our communtiy or in any other community

Anonymous said...

nr 4621 very thuoghtful comments
couldnt agree more