EXCLUSIVE: Erev Shabbos, as usual, was a busy day for
Chaveirim. However this past Friday, there was a little more activity than expected. A couple of hours
before Shabbos, the
Chaveirim Emergency
Shabbos Hosting
Program-directed by
Chaveirim member R'
Yehuda Tzvi Rotberg (unit 47)-received a few calls from passengers stuck in traffic on their way in to Lakewood. Most of the callers, were directed by
Chaveirim through side streets and managed to get back in time for
Shabbos. One particular driv
er however-a young woman with a few children-was on the I195, when it was shut down due to an accident. After advancing only a 1/4 of a mile in about 45 minutes, she was still about 25 minutes out of Lakewood. Panicking, she called the
Chaveirim Emergency
Shabbos Hosting Program-who guided her off an exit.
Chaveirim immediately got on the phone with a
Rov as well as with Captain Mooney from the Lakewood Police Department-
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way to go chief !!!
47 your a tzadik
Rock on Peretz you never stop for a second
I love these guys am sending them a check right now !!!!
Very special
That is something I wonder if the Chief wanted that posted!
whats the heter????
As I started reading the comments I thought to myself "this is to good to be true, all the comments are of a positive nature" but of course some people cant leave well enough alone.
Anon. 11:21.
Grow up allready!
Did you read the post?
"Chaveirim immediately got on the phone with a Rov"
You just have to see the negative in everything...
Please dont call chaveirim when you get stuck Erev Shabbos.
thanks for a positive story, and cudos to all those involved. It is obvious to me that the lkwd community and lakewoods finest have a great relationship we cant let the coments made by a few stupid people ruin that relationship. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!
Gevaldik. Thank you all for your hard work. May we never need your services......
chaveirim and pd do it once again keep up the great work peretz and yehuda tzvi doin a great job
Hail to the chief!!!
where was Butterworth when we needed him?
yesh koneh olamo bishoo achas
These guys may not be the best guys in the yeshiva but they are at the head of the class in zechusim. B"H they help the community with their talents
to anon.4:54 where are you coming from?? FYI when you call chaverim in middle of seder you might wait because these chashuva yungerman ARE IN YESHIVA ..
Some of us are in yeshiva. Some of us just left yeshiva. Some of us can't be reached at certain times during the day or evening (unless in the case of an emergency) because that's during our Seder. Just as an example, unit 3* makes a syium almost bi-monthly but all this is irrelevant.
Have we become so shallow and misguided that anyone who is not sitting and learning all day is posul? Are these the values that you wish to impart to your children? People who take time from their lives to selflessly help other yidden are? I don’t know perhaps you can fill it in. Am artzim? In my book they are incredible yidden. In fact I was so amazed at what they do, that I joined them. Yet you most put us down. But not just put us down , but under the guise of frumkiet. You really need do some serious thinking this Elul zman.
Rabosai, wake up!
We are approaching the most important days of the year. Do you chas v'sholom want your T'fillos tainted? Hashem works middah k'neged middah. Stop excluding Yidden because they don’t fit your concept of how to live a Torahdikka life. And hopefully Hashem will accept you, despite your own failings. Why has it become the norm to find the negative in everything? Just write thank you for a job well done. Why was it necessary to add anything to that comment?
Whishing everyone a kasiva v’chasima tova and a gut gebencheda yur.
A proud Chaveirim member.
kudos to 'A proud chaveirem member"
You guys are truly the best, and i couldn't have commented better myself. What good comes of only seeing the negative in selfless actions? the chaveirim members are out there to help the rabim, without looking for praise, or acknowledgment. Stop focusing on the negativity, and start giving credit, where credit is due!!!
I love u guys I give what I can and if I ever make more ur the first org. Ill give ...
I guess I'm going to get rid of my AAA account, and just program LPD into my cell phone.
Just thinking of how much money I can save brings me to tears.
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