JUST IN: The age restriction lifting on the PRV (Pine River Village) development was passed unanimously this evening at the township meeting with a compensation of $850,000.00 to the township-as a lump sum payment. At the last meeting which took place on August 6th, the PRV developers offered $5,000 compensation per unit. However, the ordinance was not immediately passed and was brought back for a final hearing-this evening-after professional appraisals could be completed. The compensation per unit is approximately double than originally offered. However, building cannot commence until final approval from the planning board, since the development which was originally approved as a senior development must now be adjusted for a younger community-which includes recreation space etc. (TLS)
so the corruption continues
oh well
So once again we get pillaged by our "elected officials " and by our "askanim"
Was anyone given a brown envelope in the parking lot of a diner over this
the pine river saga has ended and the losers are all of us- the trusting people of this town that allow these deals to continue.
our committeemen allowed a property to be sold for 850,001 dollars that in todays market is worth four times that amount?how could such a thing happen at a time when everyone is under such scrutiny for any corruptible behavior?
if someone promises to sell another property for less than market value to someone else who happens to be friends with someone in a position of influence in our government,in exchange for letting the developer have the property in question for less than market value that is how.
our committeemen know that we wont question why they are even allowing further development of empty land at this time at all.
they know we dont care that our town is filled with run down houses that have residents milking our school system and sending their money back to mexico.houses that would have been renovated long ago and filled with taxpaying residents had it not been for all the new developments that were irresposibly built over the last few years.
they know we wont question why they allow large projects to be built when there is a lack of infrastructure-roads ,schools transportation,and mikvahs to support it.
they dont expect us to ask why one developer with substandard grandiose plans passes by committee without a problem,yet another builder trying to develop a responsibly built multifamily dwelling cant cut through all the red tape.
this is proof that although there are individuals trying to change the way things get done in this town,they cannot stop those that wish to do for themselves at the expense of everyone else.as long as everyone connected gets something, everyone stays happy.and we have to pay for all of it.
even though they dont expect it,those in the know should realize that the party is ending,and the presents may need to be returned, so keep your receipts.
Did a developer once give an inspector a jeep?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
12:34 is right
we need to look at the big picture.why are these things still being built?enough already.we should just fix the run down neighborhoods first.am i being too naive to think this cant all be stopped?is the condo association coalition going to put a stop to all the overbuilding and corruption?or do they only care about taxes?we need someone to step up and put a stop to all this,but we are all a bunch of scared anonymous people.me included
oh for crying out loud, what's wrong with you people. of course we will benefit because all the tax money will go back into the pot . in addition, when bmg benefits we all benefit. I think u people are all a bunch of jealous nuts. stop counting other peoples money and meddling into other peoples affairs.in addition the builders are tremendous baalei tzedakah . and in any event , do the laws of loshon horah and chillul ha'shem not apply to blogs. will writers 1,2,3 , 4 and 5 please go get yourselves a job and a life, good grief!
is this a joke? its not like the developers wasnt warned his project might not be successful, every investment has risks. and then to add to this he gets it at lower then market value a second time?
anon 1:27,
are you such a hater of kollel yungerleit that when they complain about valid things, you discredit them totally & just say; "get a job"???
Why does anyone care??????
It's good for the developers and good for the buyers!!!!
Fargin abisel.
Right just the Mexicans are milking the system, no one else is bleeding the schools and living off of the gov.
Ha you have nerve
anon 8:44,
It's not about farginning...
if someone would rip you off even pochos m'shava prutah, would you fargin?
& developers really don't care about what's good for the homebuyers. talk to any rov in town about the churbanos that were caused by townhouse developments that fly in the face of "ma tovu oholecha yaakov" & were built so developers could maximize profit from every little shtik karka....
but fargin my recht to complain....
Can you please expound on "When BMG benefits we all benefit" How is that?
How do taxpayers benefit when BMG gets a sweet dewal and our taxes have to pay for it? I really having a hard time understanding that!!
Every person mosad developer has the right and should fight for his interests and push as many buttons as he can. The corruption starts when people who purport to advocate for the public, actually have conflict of interests.The public should be more engaged for whom and based on whose advice they exercise their vote.Before you vote inform yourselves. ,The builders developers are not pretending to be looking out for you.
I, for one, am shocked at the fact that the committee was successful in extracting 800,000 for the change. At first, it looked like it would sail through with no fees paid to compensate the taxpayers. I think Langert, Singer and the rest of the committee should be applauded for fighting the good fight. of course, we would prefer to see a higher number, but I think the tone IS changing. Kudos!
and as for you people who think the developer is paying 800,000 to purchase this property, he is not. It is already his, he paid $9M. This is to compensate us taxpayers for the alteration in plans and impact on services, etc. Not bad, Langert. Keep it up...
In similar situations where a disputed property and development was built, the buyers of the homes were the real losers.
A large percentage of the owners died in their homes very young, entire families got cancer, etc.
The developer might have won this round, it's up to potential buyers to choose wisely and buy elsewhere leaving the property a Development HaNidachas.
To the geius that said leavr this alone a lreadya nd the great defender of the hispanic community. Nothing was meant ch"vshalom to disparage our bmg. I learnt there for ten years and support our yeshiva wholeheartedly. But our yeshiva is being used as a means for individuals as an excuse to take for themselves. Whilr throwing the yeshiva a little psoiles. And we get left with a messed up town. As far as the hispanics. They are alos being used. Crammed into substandard housing charged exhorbitant rents. And we pay for school for multiple families from a single home that pays only one tax bill.and nothing will ever get done if people like you keep defending these practices that are allowing this to go on. Those in power know they can rely on you to belittle the ones that want to make a change for the better. Keep up the good work. But don't expect them to share anything with you pastexperience dictates that these people are quite selfish
To 1:27
You totally missed the point. The tax money was supposed to go imto the pot before also. Without the extra expenses that a family with children causes. IT WAS SOLD AS AN ADULT COMMUNITY. And now it will need bussing that costs us 850. Dllrs per child per year. Do the math
I don't get involved in politics, but, one thing I have to say for that development - it looks so quiet and deserted, that if the only way they'll sell those houses is to younger people, then that's what they should do. I wouldn't want to live there, the way it looks now.
Does anyone know if this has anything to do with a property previously owned by this developer and sold recently to a good friend of bob singers for a very sweet price? Is that what you guys are tummeling about?get a life. These things go on all the time its called politics. You got a problem? Call christie he will put a stop to all this. Oh I'm sorry I forgot bob is on the same team as christie. ok now who you ganna call?
The property was sold to bmg in 2005. they flipped it to prv the same day for 9 milliom. the taxpayer got 10 dollars. the developer could not sell the units as senior housing to frumma. he asked the town to change the rules. the town had a choice. let it die and go into bankruptcy and see what happens which means 3-5 years of nothing or change the rules and allow regular housing. the town decided to help EVERYONE involved including the taxpayer. i spoke to some on the committee who said they would have liked more $$$ but it seems the assessments and appraisal for the property are lower than everyone thought. How could that be? So kudos to Langert for getting the taxpayer 850,000 we all know that it's because of him and Singer had no problem admitting it at the meeting
Singer admiitted what at the meeting? He admitted getting his friend property at a cheap price in exchange for making this deal happen?did he also admit all the things he has done to help him and his friends all these years without considering the needs of the town?who use our money to build blinds plus on cedarbridge. Why not it is a landmark in this town. And blue claws and strand bring in so much business for this town. 23 mil and we get 2000 a month rent for the stadium. I wonder what bob and his buddies got. I got a letter saying I will be run out of town if I or my kids go to a game. Shame on all of you involved in all these shenanigans there are other ways to help the yeshiva without all this garbage happening. Where is shenky when we need him?
Every one of us, one way or another, is here in lkwd because of BMG, it is imperative on everyone to have yeshivas interest first and our own second, that's what living in a yeshiva community is all about. If you don't like it move to lawrence or bp or flatbush there you can live for yourself.
Anon 12:19
If the yeshiva would be running this town and if the yeshiva was the only one to benefit from all these games and corruption it "MIGHT" be able to get by on a frumma cheshbon. Please explain why we the taxpayers need to suffer so that every corrupt person in the loop can profit off our backs??
Anon 12:48
Please explain how exactly YOU are suffering because of the PRV decision?
you're censoring comments now? & don't use the loshon hors excuse b/c al pi hilchos loshon hora there was nothing objectionable in my comment referencing what rz said in the voice!
We all suffer from the pervasive daily backroom deals that go on in our town hall. Whether it is uez money, tax money or Development deals. We are being shortchanged and the entire town including the yeshiva is suffering. In order to get what they want the yeshiva has caused an elaborate chain of dependents that want favors in return for their cooperation. In the end the benefit to the yeshiva is small in comparison to the losses caused to our entire community. It will be painful at first,but if we can rid ourselves of all the selfish so called helpers like we rip off a bandaid from a sore we can begin to heal the town of all the damages done for the past ten or so years. Keep posted if you would like to help change things vote for someone in the next election that you feel owes no favors to anyone.
Why do u say that everyone is here bec of BMG does that mean that every one in boro park is there bec of rav turnhouer of shomer shabbos or every one in Manhattan is there bec of RJJ or everyone in monsey is there bec of BME or vishnetz no way maybe 30 years ago you where right just like in the early years of those above mentioned city's but today no more the yeshiva has no control over the people in the city the rosh yeshiva don't even have control over there own house
Its all a bunch of power and money hungry politicians and askanim that have themselves and there own personal interest in mind
Sorry to bring this to the forefront but that's the raw facts in this town
Certain developers get away with whatever they want and are hailed as geniuses of urban development. But when you stand back and look all you see are crumbling townhomes littered with three wheeled rusted cozy coupes. 850 thousand won't last a week in this town. The fair price should have been to make the developer pay for all future busing from his development. It would never be worth it for him. But we will be paying for it for years to come. We should have received 10 mil to offset all future costs from this project. I personally would much rather pay the yeshiva a few thousand dollars a year directly than have them gain money after somerset development, bob singer and his friends get their cut what a waste
About three or four years ago, I met a member of the school board, and I asked him why my taxes went up so much. He smiled kindly, and said that I shouldn't worry about it, because most of the increase went to SCHI. So it stayed in the Kehilla, and it was for tzedakah.
I told him that I don't want my money going to SCHI, and that I can't afford to pay more taxes, even if it means going to "our community". He looked pretty shocked by what I said, and walked away.
I do not know much about this inyan all i know is that this only happened because of the lac who ever they are.they made a tumult.If everyone would also make some sort of tumult about the taxes maybe they would have paid 2 million.Everyone wake up and show the politicians that the taxes are strangling us.
Give me a break. This was never meant to be an Adult Community. Saying that those houses are meant for the elderly is ridiculous. How man older people want gigantic, multilevel houses? The developers, and all of those conspiring with them knew all along that it would fail and be made available to the big families that need that kind of housing. The corruption around here is astounding.
To 7 54 great point. They never meant it to be. For retirees.I think at this point the entire community needs to show up at any future approval meeting for a large development and demand that it not be approved. No more big projects. We will all benefit. So a few builders will need to find a new parnosah.but there will be a need for all the smaller builders to build smaller scale projects.
Anonymous said...
Every one of us, one way or another, is here in lkwd because of BMG, it is imperative on everyone to have yeshivas interest first and our own second, that's what living in a yeshiva community is all about. If you don't like it move to lawrence or bp or flatbush there you can live for yourself.
August 21, 2009 12:19 PM
Does BMG ok you to blog on the internet? If you feel its ok then perhaps you should move far away maybe to hawaii where blogging is ok . MOVE BEFORE WE CATch UP WITH YOU YOU @ FACED HYPOCRITE!
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