If you're planning a trip anytime during the summer, Yeshiva
Kol Torah can help you save on some great places, like: Six Flags, Dutch Wonderland, Hershey Park, Swing Time,
Funtime America, Howell Lanes and many other places. You purchase a pass for $25/per family and present it at any of the participating establishments. Call 616-712-2896 for more details.
***** MACHA'AH *****
A Yeshive'she site such as TLS has no business promoting places that are a 'Moshav Lay'tzim'. People who attend such 'mekomos' are there to 'have fun', which by definition is a 'Moshav Lay'tzim'.
They go there to 'kill time'.
Before you respond to this, ask the older 'Gedolim' if this is correct. I myself got such a 'p'sak' years ago, from a godol who is now in 'Olam HaEmes'
"...that if you are over 9 years old, it is 'osur' for you to go to these kind of parks, 'meshum Moshav Lay'tzim' ".
Check it out.
and you surfing the web? groisse chuchem
the whole purpose of tls is that one should not surf the web.
Two students were having an ongoing argument about who was better on his computer. They had been going at it for days, and God was tired of hearing all of the bickering.
Finally God said, "Cool it down there and his anger got the better of him, suddenly lightning flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, the rain poured and, of course, the electricity went off.
The electricity finally flickered back on and each of them restarted their computers.
and God said, I who created the heavens have the power to flood the earth and that includes sending surges to your computers.
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