FREE ENTERTAINMENT! Tomorrow, August 4, from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM, the Lakewood Police Department will be holding its annual “National Night Out Against Crime” at Pine Park. There will be free entertainment, food and drinks for all: Kosher food will also be provided, donated by various businesses within the township. This year’s event will include cartoon characters, rides provided by Party On with Natalie, free bicycle helmets (limited to 2 per family while supplies last); free bicycles will be raffled off for children ages 4 to 12 which have been donated by Lakewood PBA #71, Lakewood SOA #71 and various township businesses. Free tee shirts will be provided for children while supplies last. Also provided for your entertainment will be antique cars, race cars, “DUNK A COP” and much, much more. The following units will be attending; ·Lakewood Police, Department’s Special Response Team, Lakewood Police Department’s Traffic & Safety Unit, Lakewood Fire Department, Lakewood EMS, Lakewood Hatzolah and Providence House. There will also be various County Organizations planning to attend.
U/D We were just notified that LCSW will also be having a booth and will be presenting a plaque to an officer of the LPD at the event.
U/D We were just notified, that Chaveirim will be having a booth as well.
The entertainment may be free, but it is Kosher? Should our children be mixing with the Yaldei Ha'Umos in the name of entertainment?
Not everything thathas Kosher food is a place for frum yidden.
What has happened to us as a nation? Have we totally forgotten who we are?
Are we not afraid of Hashem at all anymore?
Is everything mutar? Is everything kosher? Did we forget what it says in last week's parsha about Lo Sechonem?
Please define the Yaldei Ha' Umos
and frum yidden
Oy oy oy!!!
You're so right! I think we should dig our hole a little deeper because we seem to be doing great in that hole. Our children are going off the derech left and right because people like you think that all our children will just sit with their head in the Gemorah all day. You don't let them do a thing. So the only way out for them is to totally rebel. I daven that my children will grow up to be ehrliche YIDDEN and I truly hope my children will all want to be Talmidei Chachomim but if one of my children will want to take a "lighter"stance I will be'h lovingly help him and guide him along and show him that you can be a truly dedicated Jew to Hashem in the business world as well THE WAY IT USED TO BE. How many people in Yeshiva are only there because it's the "trend",how many?? Yes,I know the answer because I to learned many years in Yeshiva and only left after consulting with R' Matisyahu Shlita. How many father in-laws are having heart attacks or are under tremedous stress because their son in-law NEEDS a 2010 Camry?!! And when does that son in-law show up to first seder,at 10:30 when his father in-law is long at work to support HIM? And that is on the "good" side. On the bad side,how many children have strayed from the derech hayashar because father's like you suppress them EVERY breath they take?!! Go ahead and talk to professional mechanchim before you take my head off. This narrow-mindedness has got to stop!!
i think lakewood first aid squad will be there as well with an ambulance and their rescue/extrication truck as in years past. lets not forget about them they do quite a bit for this town also but are often forgotten about
why are you on the internet?
Are the buff units going to be there as well? would love to meet the dedicated team of buff units.
if children should not be mishing then same applies to adults . please explain otherwise,
not the place for OUR men women or children....find something else to do with our zeesa neshamalach on a summer day.....be creativePLEASE
To anon 2:27,
Why the chip on your shoulder? Why are you so bitter?
Btw chaveirim will also be there
If I knew my children would remain exclusivly in the daled amos shel halacha their whole life, I wouldn't want them to attend.Since I don't, I would prefer them to have limited and supervised contact now.
On a more important note I find that some people who remain extremely sheltered, end up so out of touch, and unaware of the feelings of umas holem, that they some times cause inadvertent chilul hashem's when they do deal with them.
You wrote:
"...and only left after consulting with R' Matisyahu Shlita."
If you ask Rav mattisyahu shlita and he says that you should go there and take your children, I will be maskim to you.
However, fact is that I know for a fact that Rav mattisyahu is extremely upset about this event.
You dont have to keep your kids heads in the sand in order to protect them. There is plenty of kosher things to do without mixing with the Umos H'Olam.
If your children see you standing up for Hashem and his Torah and acting like upstanding ehrliche yidden THEY WILL EMULATE YOU.
But if they see you on your blackberries all day, not being machshiv Talmidei Chachamim and always having something bad to say about our holy city, what do you expect them to do when they grow up?
Hashem Yishmor Aleinu V'Al Yeladeinu.
whats the difference of taking ur kids to the aquarium, six flags, zoo, park or any other attractions then taking them tomorrow to the safety fair??????????
Hey Anon 2:27 PM You only left after speaking R' Matisyahu Shlita? Uh I am not learning and my shver works real hard to support me I wake up at 10:30 every day should I go to work or stay in yeshiva? Um I think you should leave!
To anon 4:38
Thank you for twisting my comment around.
When was the last time you were in Yeshiva? And what time did YOU come to seder this zeman? I suspect you'd rather not say it with your name attached lest your schver see it,huh?? Maybe you're one of the guys running around the cofee room with his Blackberry half the day updating the oilam on the news?! I wrote an innocent comment not meaning to bash anypne but be honest and realistic!You and I know that a large portion of the guys in Yeshiva don't belong there and are only there because so goes the trend. And so we don't deviate much from the topic which "kosher" vacation will YOU and your children be on this summer?!
Anon 2:27 is not bitter nor does he have a chip on his shoulders. He is merely bringing up some very valid points. He means to say that he doesn't agree with the idea of suppressing your children their entire life. He also makes a point that if maybe we'd let our children choose between going out to work(chalila)maybe we'd have more serious guys in Yeshiva instead of probably 20% of BMG just there to be "yoitzeh"and do not use those years anywhere NEAR their full potential. Just some points to ponder.The writer seems to have HIS head on straight as he writes that he was in Yeshiva many years. He only left after consulting with R' Matisyahu. I think that is very admirable of a person. He is simply stating that what he saw in Yeshiva can use some rehab. That's all. No need to get all worked up,noones calling your shver so you can continue "hareving away"at your own pace and hopefully the economy will get better and your shver will give you an upgrade on your car.
maybe they will be giving away free texting / internet cell phones, and free cigarettes for the kids....never mind entertainment...wake up
If you don't think it's appropriate-DON'T GO!! But don't give us a holier than attitude that we should not go either. We do still live in golus last time I checked in we live in a free country.
I heard Mekimi will be there?? NUNU GO MEKIMI
I could not agree more with 2:27 (who, BTW does not sound at all bitter, just realistic.). Stifling our children is not going to make them into erlicher yidden. If you have a child that wants nothing more than to sit in the BM all summer, ashrecha. For the rest of us that have normal children with normal desires to have an enjoyable summer this fair does not sound like a very bad idea. On another post people were condemning those that went to Hurricane Harbor last night. I went and in my opinion it was a wonderful oppertunity for fathers to spend some enjoyable time out with their sons. If your entire relationship with your children consists only of learning and davening with them plus telling him he can't go here and he can't go there, you may be heading down the path to disaster. Kids (and adults) need to enjoy themselves. If we want that enjoyment to happen on our terms then we better make the effort to take them to places where they can have a good kosher time. Otherwise they will find their own outlet and it will not be the kind that anyone would approve of.
You are on the triefeh internet and you are complaining about the treifeh night out with the goyim!!! Who is watching you on the internet?
Oy such machloikis! its really a simple answer. i am gonna go to the lake with my zeese kinderlach and we'll say some tehillim and then feed the ducks while admiring th niflois haboirei! mamish a mechaya!!!
and then feed the ducks
Please don't feed the ducks.It is against Dina D'malchusa and a chilul hashem to do so.(Yes I realize you have no actual intentions of doing so)
Anon 2:27 is very bitter and does have a chip on his shoulder. The article in this case concerns the LPD National Night out. The poster used this as a springboard for learning in yeshiva. What does one have to do with the other? He must have some bitterness and a chip so he comments about something totally irrelevant.
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