A teenager was charged with felonies and three others were arrested after a fight on Friday night in the parking lot of the Mountain Fruits Store on Broadway. Police say David Dookerman, 16, of Monticello drove to the rear of the store intending to confront the store manager, Aryeh Simkin, 20, of Brooklyn. He called him out, then began striking Simkin’s 2008 Acura with a stick. When Simkin came outside, Dookerman hit him with a stick and then Simkin, T.C, 20, of Lakewood, and Y.L, 20, of Monsey, shoved Dookerman to the ground and hit him several times, police say. Dookerman then got back into his Wind Star and tried to run over Simkin, then smashed into a dumpster, knocking it over. He rammed another car, then wedged the Wind Star between a freezer and the rear of the store building, damaging both. Troopers and Monticello police arrested him at the scene. Dookerman was charged with attempted assault, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief and assault, felonies, and several misdemeanors. He was taken to the Sullivan County jail on $35,000 bail. Simkin and the other two were charged with misdemeanor assault and released. THR
Chilul Hashem of the day. Will the haredim ever learn???
Was this on shabbos?
to #2: Before condemning, think. It is definitely arguably self-defense. Why would you condemn people that had no choice? What would you have done?
"Lakewood Bachur" Lakewood Bum! This is not Hareidim on Friday night these are bums that should be in jail!
He is NOT a Lakewood bachur!!!
to #3 & #4: life must be so easy without having to think. I guess people that live their life exactly the way you would like them to or dress precisely the way you do shouldn't be called Lakewood for that would hurt the feeble facade you created to cover your fragile self image. they are yidden shomrei torah umitzvos and tzmayin laasos ritzon konam. are you?
Since I was not there & lack knowledge of details not reported, I therefore cannot rely on hearsay to draw full judgment concerning these young individuals.
However, I believe that TLS's choice of the word "Bachur" in this crazy story is a gross affront to the many thousands of yeshiva bachurim that are as distant as possible from the behaviors recorded in this most unfortunate account.
Though the verbiage "bachur" may literally be defined as a single boy, it has long since been associated with bachurim that learn in a yeshiva, where there are expectations of more upstanding charachter traits.
Though I'm sure TLS did not intend to offend good people, I would hope that in the future there will be proper consideration in the selection of phrases.
Ok let's see who we can blame this teenagers bad decision and behavior on (bec it can't be that its just his own dumb babynees!!!)
and the point of this story is?????
he is not from Lakewood and they where acting in self defense
Buffs made the arest
a bachur means a young adult . nothing more and nothing less
To Anon 2:18 Pm
No, the Buffs don't operate in Monticello. We operate in Lakewood, and we are proud of what we do. It's people like you that caused the Bais Hamikdosh to be destroyed. You are so low, that you think only LCSW exists in your life. Don't mess with the buffs. Mess with someone your own size.
The Buffs are a great organization that truly protects Lakewood's citizens and make A Kiddush Hashem every day.
Who is the Buffs?
and LCSW should also be not around anymore they have not done anything in this town but hock
to above comment anony 5:44---
go get a life. lcsw came to save me when a car of drunk people was blocking my way home. they do a wonderful job in the community. you sound like my older bro who also says that and he also abused me when i was younger. continue picking your nose. thanks!
I live in Lakewood a looong time, never heard the name Dookerman, here.
DUH dookerman isnt the "bachur" from lakewood
Anon 1:26,
This story's attacker "Dookerman" is a 16 year old resident of Monticello, NOT Lakewood.
C.T. is the Lakewood boy which, together with the other two Brooklyn/Monsey boys, apparently reacted (or perhaps overreacted) in defense to Dookerman's very angry assault.
The judge in fact ordered a high bail of $35,000.00 for the juvenile Dookerman. But released the others to await trial to decide on the merits of the police officer's misdemeanor charge.
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