JUST IN: The Lakewood Scoop has learned, that Yeshivat Keter Torah will not be opening it's 4th to 8th grades in Deal this coming school year as initially planned. The Yeshiva, under the leadership of Rabbi Mordechai Dabbah Shlita had plans to move it's 4th through 8th grades over from Lakewood to Deal-(being that most of the boys from the higher grades are from Deal), upon the request of Deal community leaders-including Rabbi Diomond Shlita, as reported exclusively on TLS
here. However, after parents complained about having to commute from Lakewood to Deal, the classes will remain in Lakewood. The Menahel, Harav Tzvi Zev Shwartz Shlita confirmed to The Lakewood Scoop (although things may change) that only classes Primary through 2nd grade will be opening in Deal this coming school year with just children from Deal. (Primary through 3rd grade in Lakewood, will consist only of Lakewood children. We will keep you updated with all further information as it develops.
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