EXCLUSIVE: Erev Shabbos, as usual, was a busy day for
Chaveirim. However this past Friday, there was a little more activity than expected. A couple of hours
before Shabbos, the
Chaveirim Emergency
Shabbos Hosting
Program-directed by
Chaveirim member R'
Yehuda Tzvi Rotberg (unit 47)-received a few calls from passengers stuck in traffic on their way in to Lakewood. Most of the callers, were directed by
Chaveirim through side streets and managed to get back in time for
Shabbos. One particular driv
er however-a young woman with a few children-was on the I195, when it was shut down due to an accident. After advancing only a 1/4 of a mile in about 45 minutes, she was still about 25 minutes out of Lakewood. Panicking, she called the
Chaveirim Emergency
Shabbos Hosting Program-who guided her off an exit.
Chaveirim immediately got on the phone with a
Rov as well as with Captain Mooney from the Lakewood Police Department-
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