New! If you live in the Kol Aryeh/Hope Chapel area, here's some good news. Starting tomorrow morning, there will be a new Minyan for Shachris at Kol Aryeh, beginning at 6:05 a.m. sharp. The reader who notified us said "There's plenty of parking and plenty of coffee"!
Thank you YD.
powder or fresh brewed?
And what does that have to do with a picture of the Kosel??
Any Marlboro's with the freshly brewed coffee?
you mean ppl in the 14th & hope area actually work!
The Grand Rov of Kol Aryeh is Rabbi Feivish Schwartz Shlit"o a direct decendent of the Kol Aryeh. He is a Satmar Chosid (Zalman Leib) and therefore to associate the Kosel with his Shul is highly inappropiate.
This amazing makom torah utfillah a place that e/o feels welcomed I wish all shuls would be a good as this one
Will yussis provide breakfast for the olam?
6:40am is perfect time to have some of that famous Yussis Gala! It will give you Chizuk to get through the day.
Will their be pareve creamer for the coffee? like that we can all have yussis famous hotdogs after schacris.
Anon 5:07 P.M.
I hope you realize the absurdity of your statement. The Heilige Satmar Rav didn't say that the Kosel isn't one of the holiest places in the world, he said not to go there for his reasons, but a picture!? It's "srid beis mikdasheinu". Even the Satamar Rebbes go from afar to daven and see the kosel and mokom hamikdash.
kol aryeh keep up the good work that hashem likes no shmuzing by davening
kol aryah be proud u have a great rav
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