BREAKING NEWS FIRST REPORT: Police have just been dispatched to Forest Avenue for reports of an attempted abduction near the Satmar Shul. Apparently, the woman walking on Forest Avenue and 4th Street, was stopped by a black vehicle with two male occupants-to 'ask her for directions'. As she approached the vehicle, they grabbed her and forced her into the car. They began driving towards the lake with the woman in the car, when she caused a commotion forcing them to drop her off and let her go. As she ran, they told her they had a gun. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to call PD immediately at 732-363-0200. We will keep you updated with any further details. (TLS)
U/D 8:07 p.m. The police are looking for a dark 4 doored car with Maryland plates and two Hispanic male occupants. A similar car was spotted near the lake but was ruled out by the victim. We will keep you updated with all further details.
U/D 9:15 p.m. There were 3 Hispanic males in the older model car, one with a white shirt, dark jeans and red cap, the other with a grey shirt and black jeans and the third suspect was wearing a brown shirt with black jeans. They threatened her if she told anyone that they would find her and that they had a gun. The conversation between the victim and one of the occupants, was in Spanish.
Any description on the vehicle(make,model)and/or it's occupants so people can try to look out for it in the future should they C'V try again?
Does anybody know if the woman is a goy or a yid please update TLS thanx
how old is the girl?
Please update
Where is LCSW when u need them
Where are the buff units!!!
NEVER APPROACH A VEHICLE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHO THE DRIVER IS!!! That's just begging for trouble. Ignore them, or yell directions from the sidewalk. Use your head!
Do you expect LCSW to be everywhere at once?!! They were out for dinner,how's that for an answer. They don't need to answer to you idiots! Volunteer first,talk later. They are up and patrolling areas of Lakewood way past your bedtime so why don't you shoot your mouth off elsewhere? Do you ask why Hatzolah is not down the block when someone goes into cardiac-arrest?!!
to the one who asked is it a yid or goy- they indicated the conversation was in spanish...what does that tell you?
also a frum woman giving directions to spanish men would not walk closer to the car, as the report indicated...
she would give directions from the sidewalk, i presume!
I'm the one that asked if it was a yid or goy i commented before he updated that it was a goy he just wrote thàt it was a goy
I think the LCSW should do a patrol when people are up too. Not just when the town is asleep. How about being seen and let people see who you are so we feel protected and help deter these creeps who try these terrible acts in our community. Maybe these Buffs could work with the LCSW and double the force. Am Ehcod b'lev echod!!
First of all! You probably wish you were Aaron Kugielsky but we all know its not you.
Second! How do you have the disguisting CHUTZPAH to demand that the LCSW do a service for you.
Rather then saying thanks to them for volunteering their time for YOUR benefit you bash them ?
Its simply senseless and mannerless to talk the way you do, your probably the person who calls miller, lichtenstein or shenky when you get a speeding ticket cuz you think your being targeted because of your race.
Your also a cause of hatred towards us and make us all sick!
when seconds count the police are just minutes away. carry a weapon
This should serve as a lesson to girls as to the type of trouble their untznius dress can get them into.
Dear lcsw members,
Don't let it faze u, its bound to happen to anybody in the spotlight or anyone doing good things and helping others, in fact it's a good sign, it means you are of importance enough because of what you guys do out there that there are people out there who are really jealous and will have the audacity to bash you, those same people also bash hatzolo guys and chaveirim guys or for that matter anyone who helps people, its nature of certain people to spit in your face after you do them favors.
Chazak Vaamatz!!!
Thanks for looking out for us!!!
LCSW is doing a wonderfull job, thank you i can say in my neighborhood crime has gone down with the help of your patrols
I can actually say that I have watched with my own eyes the level of crime dropping since the inception of LCSW some of it directly by their patrols and some of it indirectly Vhameivin Yavin. They work great together with the PD and all the other organizations in Lakewood. Those that want to knock will ALWAYS have what to say. Just look at the Lakewood Ticker in The Voice. It's black on white! Again I won't say it's just their patrols but somehow since their around things have gotten better so hey let's not complain!
Chief lawson himself said that the lcsw have helped the crime levels go down in lakewood. but even so crimes will still occur even with the lcsw patrolling because there are always some bad guys gonna be hanging around the area. agav maybe the lcsw should start patrolling more during the day also along with at night. it might be harder for day patrols because most members are prob working or learning etc but it should try to be worked out.
as a shomrim member in n.y.c. I could not believe with my own eyes how some people frm ur own lakwood community can criticize ur own lcsw PATROL u should be ashamed of yourself does anyone has to be remind that it is only volunteer work & they r not getting paid &they r paying fr their own gas & etc....... u should give them chisik not discouraged them
no need to say more, for the mere fact that they volunteer for our good, they should be thanked and blessed with all good.
Tremendous Yaasher Koach to
Leir Michtinstein,
Munash Muller,
Leven Stangert for eliminating crime and taxes in LW
some people are soo stupid
It so pathetic that a few teenage kids (buffs) sit there on the blogs all day praising themselves (not that there's anything for them to be praised about) and bashing other people (good people) thinking that it'll make them look better by putting others down.
Well, first off, they make themselves look bad by trashing others (especially for who they trash), and second, you shouldn't even be bothered by it or respond to it, their immature and stupid and should be ignored.....
I agree, don't even give them (the buffs) the time of day they so desperatly need and they'll just lay off, their obviously commenting again and again to get reactions from you.
And btw the only peaple writing bad comments about the buffs are lcsw members we all luv the buffs so keep ur stupid comments to yourself
Nope. I'm actually a hatzoloh member and I can tell you that your annoying us as well, you may have an agenda against lcsw cause they hadn't put you on but I don't believe lcsw members have an agenda against you to be writing bad comments about you, its normal upstanding citizens like me who support lcsw for what they do and you just can't stand the fact that people aren't disguisting enough to be bashing them all day.
Oh I'm so sorry, did you get insulted ?
Maybe if you stop getting in everybody's faces everywhere and stop annoying them and the cops people will stop making fun of you.
Did you ever think about that ?
In boro park you would fit right in with the many buffs, it seems that here you don't quiet blend in.
The abduction picture used for this news piece is not tznius.
"Anyone with information on this incident is asked to call PD immediately at 732-363-0200. We will keep you updated with any further details. (TLS)"
Anyone with information on the frum molesters abusing our children like the one recently arrested, please DO NOT go to the police. Only goyim are not allowed to rape and molest our women and children. Frum Jews are allowed. The frummer you are and the longer your beard and the more "chashuv your family" the more "entitled" you are. Do not go to the police uder any circumstance. You WILL be labled a "moyser". Your kids will not get into any schools and if they are already in they will be thrown out. Your house will be burned down. You will be chased out of town.
Again: Non-Jewish molesters: Go directly to the police.
Jewish molesters: Keep quiet and allow them to molest more children.
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