JUST IN: Sources tell TLS that Reb Yosef Posen, a previous director of YTT-will be replacing Rav Baruch Manes as executive director of Bais Faiga and the Cheder. There is no additional information available to us at this time.
U/D 2:45 p.m. Reb Posen, who is a Talmud of the South Fallsburg Yeshivah, has been with YTT for approximately 5 years.
I wish him much hatzlacha - he will need it.
A diiferent web site published this information and made mention of Rabbi Posen's twenty years of "Chinuch" experience. Why does an executive director need to be a mechanech - what he needs is business experience, the Cheder is a HUGE business. I hope he know's what he's getting into. Hatzlacha
Who will he answer to? Mannes? Gruss? Gottesman? Halpern? Eckstein?
20 years - where?
Butch Epstein.
If this is true it will be a huge loss to YTT!!!
Posen from Belmar?
Butch is THE MAN!!!
Did Mannes get his compensation package?
Will the teachers now get paid?
Why did he leave Bradley Beach and YTT?
Whats a Maharat?
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July 21, 2009 2:32 PM
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July 21, 2009 2:33 PM
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July 21, 2009 2:34 PM
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July 21, 2009 2:35 PM
I have nothing of value to say, but since I know everybody else will have what to say I figured I'll chime in too.
Maharat Epstein
His Chinuch credentials are critical.
a Maharat is synonymous with Maharshas or Rabbah.
I don't know if you are right about his chinuch credentials being critical. I have been a parent in the Cheder/BF for close to 20 years. Boruch was doing a fabulous job for the longest time. His downfall began when he started saying dayos in Chinuch. Leave business to businessmen and chinuch to mechanchim.
Manes got a package OK. But, whats in it, is the BIG question.
Theyre critical in his future dealings with mechanchim when finances and chinuch clash.
Boruch is great.
Brocho Vehazlocho to Rabbi Posen.
Rabbi posen is a great man i as a parent is very happy
I don't think I ever saw an article that had to have so many comments deleted by the editor!!
I wonder why?!!
y,,,, just ripped this off of the scoop
As a parent you should learn English.
Anonymous said...
Theyre critical in his future dealings with mechanchim when finances and chinuch clash.
For that you don't need chinuch skills, you need to be mekabel Daas Torah. On that level, Rabbi Posen is a perfect choice. He is a great Talmid Chuchom and Mokir Rabbanan.
For this role you need a savy businessman. The problem with Mosdos these days is that they are not run like a business with a cost mindset. The people founding thses schools have never run a business.
They then want to know why they are struggling.
Who is taking responsibility for the massive debts left over?
Rabbi Posen is a true ben torah a poineer in dealing with "at risk" kids he will be matzliach because this man is leshaim shomiyim
Reb Boruch is going to be missed as we all know we were not given a choice I hope reb yossi has the koiches to take on such a huge moised
we will all miss rabbi manes, i guess its time to open a new chapter in lakewood history and we wish rabbi posen all thats well. Thank you rabbi manes for your misiras nefesh, h-ashem will never forget all that youve done for our school, Im jealous of your zechusim . Let's all work together now and pick up the pieces,
He is a wonderful person but to put a man with almost NO experience in charge of the largest school system in the country is crazy!!!!
Anonymous said...
Rabbi posen is a great man i as a parent is very happy
July 21, 2009 3:26 PM
i too is very happy. My english is great i went to the cheder too
Great role model great mechanech BUT to take such responsibility is an even bigger mistake than getting rid of Boruch
They must have been very stuck
why are so many comments being dleted by the moderator ?
first of all Butch Epstein should have taken the job. Second Rabbi Posen is the best and I heard Boruch manies say that about him as well. As a parent I am very happy with Rabbi Posen doing this.
Seems that all those parents who never paid anywhere near full tuition are going to miss BM. It's about time you all step up to the plate a carry some 'achrayus'.
R' Posen did a tremendous job at YTT. Both with regards to administrative and with regard to chinuch. he was a tremendous asset to ytt and he will be a tremendous asset to the cheder
You didn't print my comment. All I wrote was...that if I made a comment, it would be removed by the blog administrator.
Attention Parents of the Cheder & Bais Faiga. For those of you who may not know much about about Rabbi Posen, I will tell you, he is one of the most caring people I've ever met and a very soft spoken Baal Midos. He has been involved in running every little detail in YTT with great efficiency. I thank him for all his hard work on behalf of YTT. I wished him well on his new position and told him he will be missed greatly.
A YTT Parent.
Bradley beach did some very good work while it was open,
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