After receiving a letter from a
TLS reader regarding the
Lakewood list causing problems to some people's devices (causing it to crash and require a hard reset),The Lakewood Scoop contacted
Lionscribe Software and the following was their response: The basis for this complaint is that there was a bug on the old version of
Lakewood List for Windows Mobile, that caused some people with newer versions of Windows Mobile to crash. At that point we had sent out an email advising Windows Mobile users of the problem, and advised them how to avoid the problem. We have since fixed the bug in our release of a few months ago. The Palm & Blackberry versions never had any recent problems whatsoever. And with over 3000 users, you would imagine we would hear of some complaints, if there were any. Well, we only heard from 3-4 Windows Mobile users who had the previously mentioned problem,
no one else. So you all can be sure you are using a stable software, as many have been using in the past few years. If anyone does find a problem they should please contact us, so that it can be speedily corrected. To get the
Lakewood List please visit http://www.listpda.com or send a blank email to
lakewoodlist@listpda.comThank you for asking,
Lionscribe Software
I have a Palm & have been using Lakewood List for years, (way back when it just went straight into your contacts) & have never had any problems, but a few weeks ago i was in a sprint store & i heard a employee literally yelling at a customer. The customer had come in with problems with his blackberry & the employee was saying its all because of the Lakewood List & he wont help him unless he removes it immediately.
Again, i never had any problems on my palm but the sprint technician said its messed up many blackberrys so if i had a blackberry i would at least be cautious.
i have a windows phone and just downloaded the list.it does not go into my contacts,rather on my today screen. thank you for this info.previous versions were not stable,this one works fine
I have a treo and my phone crashed aftrer it fell. The guy in thesprint store told me that it would have crashed anyway becaus I have the LL. He said that 20 people a day come in with crashed treos because of the LL . I smelled some gross exatriation . I still have the lakewood list...
I had the same guy in the sprint store. I came in to fix a letter on my keyboard and the first thing he looked for was if I had the Lakewood List. He seems to be obsessed with this. He tried to convince me to let him delete it, but I wouldn't listen to him. Can anyone write in who has had a problem with TLL?
He has a problem with the community at whole. There are 2 reasons for this.
1.” Shono Upiresh” (V'Hameivin Yovin).
2. The community usually only uses the Sprint store for repairs. They purchase phones and plans via local dealers. The employees in the store make a commission for every phone or plan sold, while they make nothing for repairs. When a non-community member comes in for a repair, they look forward to get him to sign a new contract, for example when they have to replace a phone not covered by their plan. But by our community members it does not work, as they leave and go to their local dealers. Therefore they dislike us, as they wrongly feel that we are abusing their services. He lets it out on the Lakewood List as it represents the epitome of the Achdus of our community.
I am someone who has extensive knowledge of plam software, and never did I encounter a problem with the lakewood list.
However if you are experiencing crashes you should make a hotsync (backup all programs also), and then make a hard reset completely erasing evrything on your palm. then only add the lakewood list, if that was the cause, it would still crash. I guarantee you that it wont crash unless you start adding the other programs (which are the culprit).
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