When it comes to buying United States and New Jersey flags, Garden State lawmakers say "Made in the USA" is the only way. The Assembly and Senate unanimously passed legislation that requires any flag the state purchases be made by domestic manufacturers who meet the "Made in the USA" industry standards. According to the Flag Manufacturers Association of America, four U.S.-based flag producers meet the group's "Made in the USA" requirements, including Annin & Co. of Bergen County. Lawmakers say the legislation is needed to send the strong message that using taxpayer funds to purchase flags made overseas is an insult to hard-working American families. AP
yeah baby
go america
you can be sure all who voted for this bill where rebublicans democrats hate this country
I never forgot the time after 9-11 maybe 2 years when there were flags left in alot of stores and they were marked down. To see flags on a clearance rack really was upsetting. Flags should be made in this country and respected.
your worried about american flags made in china? what about the food you consume? what about most of todays judaica are made in china or some other third world country for god sakes
it makes sens
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