Tuesday, July 14, 2009

MVA Turns Violent

JUST IN: Moments ago, a MVA occurred at Cross Street and River Avenue, when a local resident rear-ended a pick up truck. However, this wasn't your typical MVA. The driver of the pick up truck then got out of his vehicle and punched the other driver in the face-cracking his glasses and cellphone-while threatening him with his life "When you're done calling the police I'm going to kill you" he shouted. Multiple Police units are currently at the scene investigating the incident.
U/D The man who punched the local resident in the face, has been released as soon as the police arrived at the scene and was not issued any summonses.


Anonymous said...

frum guy?

Anonymous said...

Update please?????

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any new information on what happened??

Anonymous said...

what does frum mean?

Anonymous said...

this is our police?

Anonymous said...

Its vinny metee of guds road very well connected with our pd he's the owner of champoin contracting

Vinny said...

why would they give him a summons
the "injured" has to press charges
and i;m sure if he would they are gonna summons him back for all sorts of fake back injuries as is common in rear ending

Anonymous said...

Can we know why the heck the guy was released immediately when PD arrived? Where is justice? And although I usually don't point fingers I think Menashe Miller and Meir (who are both great guys) should have an explanation for us being that they're both chaplains or something of the like to the Police. We cannot let such incidents just"ride". This is what was going on before Chief Lawson became chief.

Anonymous said...

Menashe and Meir do not owe anyone an explanation, its not even any of their business! its between the 2 the accident and subsequent fight was with, what we can't allow is involving politicians in matters they have no place in, besides from my understanding both of the people involved in the MVA were from Lakewood.....since everyone loves to speculate, here's some speculation for you, maybe the driver who rear ended the truck should get off their cell phone and pay attention

Anonymous said...

menashe meir and steve DO have an obligation to explain what went on, it is their duty to oversee the LPD and protect the citizens of lakewood jew and gential alike

Anonymous said...

It seems that the guy got out of his truck because he was honked at. He then grabbed the driver of the car by the throat, causing his foot to come off the brake and he then rear-ended the truck. We should all be outraged at the clear misconduct of the police officer at the scene.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we don't have the whole story. Was the guy in the car "unzerer" or not? Why did he honk at the pick up truck? Of course no one who honks at someone else for whatever reason should be grabbed and choked by a diver who can't control his road rage.

Anonymous said...

fin inzere?

Anonymous said...

Would somebody please tell me what this "fun unzere" is that everyone is talking about? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

If someone rear-ended me, I'd beat the $%^% out of him too.

Anonymous said...

the car was behind the pickup truck. The car was being driven by a frum yid. i passed by the scene as the first cop arrived!!

Anonymous said...

A horn is to be used as a signal devise to avoid danger, not to express displeasure. I'm not shedding a lot of tears over this one...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous at 10:59 I sure hope you'll never honk me cuz you'll really be in for a surprise. And I am "fun aiere"

Anonymous said...

To 10:46
And what's if YOU rear ended someone ELSE? Are you superhuman? Besides we're hearing different stories here on what happened. Oh and btw please only use letters or numerical values next time you comment. I Googled those things you wrote but it doesn't seem to be a language used on this planet.

porky said...

maybe we should wait and see what happens before we start making threats and accusations.if the man hit the truck while on the phone he should get a summons if there was an assault that should be looked into.why start with all the remarks from those who dont know whats happening.the police will sort it out.Chief Rob Lawson is a good man he will protect us all.

Anonymous said...

"fun unzere" basically translates to "one of ours" and "ours" meaning a yid

Anonymous said...

everyone can speculate all day and talk in circles... no one knows the whole truth that happened except for the two that were involved and even their "truth" will be perceived as they choose to and may be very far from what actually happened. blaming either driver or the pd without knowing all the facts is absurd... and just because SOME information is put on a website does not make it fact.

Anonymous said...

Someone go find the guy who was punched and tell him to pursue charges ....he will win for sure !!!