Sunday, May 10, 2009

Project Respond Seeks Partners

Due to dwindling volunteerism on the behalf of EMS agencies and tightening budget constraints on municipalities, Alert Ambulance Service is launching Project Respond, company officials said. Project Respond will allow volunteer first aid squads and municipalities to partner with Alert Ambulance to supplement their current EMS coverage and improve service and response times to the residents of their communities. For more information about a partnership, contact Jack Trovato at (732) 364-2856 Ext.


Anonymous said...

Who are they trying to partmer with? The Townships? Individuals? Are they looking to charge a fee to townships? Is it a kind gesture or a bussiness proposition? The information seems to be pretty vague.

Anonymous said...

they are looking to create buisness by picking up EMS calls for areas that are struggling to get out volunteers. They are going after other private services for buisness.
They are based in lakewood and not doing any services for Lakewood, they use to handle brick Township as a back up but could not manage their volume.

It is a PR move