Friday, May 15, 2009

Cholent, Kugel And An Educational Office Protection Experience

Photos and videos below of the "Cholent, Kugel And An Educational Office Protection Experience" event, which took place last night at the home of R' Menashe Horowitz Shlita. Present at the event, were the founders of the Koshernet Cafe in Chateau Park, to advise people with the most efficient and affordable filtering devices available for the office. Speakers included: R' Meir Ribiat Shlita, R' Levi Grinwald and Reb Shmuel Kamenetzky Shlita via hookup.


Photo and video credits TLS-23


Anonymous said...

I think it is indecent to post these pictures! These people came to learn how to do teshuva for their internet use without a filter and you go and post pictures of them??!!

Anonymous said...

to May 15, 2009 4:16 PM
with all due respect-are you outta your mind?? These people came to learn about different options available for their office what did they do wrong exactly? They should be commended for being ehrlicher businessmen.

tech man said...

i guess you were not there what teshuvah ..they were all people in the tec buiessness the others all have filters and were there just to get informed of dangers to children bypassing filters

Anonymous said...

This looks like one big advertisement for jnet