Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Segulah For Shavuos From Harav Elyashiv Shlita

(Click on image to enlarge) Attached, is a Segulah from Harav Elyashiv Shlita. The Segulah, which was said over from Harav Yitzchok Silberstien Shlita, Son-in-law of Harav Elyashiv Shlita, states, that Reb Elyashiv went to visit an ill person on Erev Shavuos and during the conversation, he repeated to him the Chazal which says, that at the time the Torah was given, all were healed from their sicknesses. R' Elyashiv Shlita then went on to say, that each year on Shavuos, that special Bracha returns. When the person asked R' Elyashiv Shlita when during the Yom Tov does this Bracha occur, R' Elyashiv responded, "During K'rias Ha'torah, when the Ba'al Korah says the Aseres Ha'dibros".


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is the time for 'refu'os'.
However, it is 'asur' to be 'mafsik' during 'krias Ha'torah' even for learning, 'kol she'kain' for other things. It is even 'asur' to be 'mafsik' 'bein gavra l'gavra' (which many people are NOT aware of). So I guess one should have in mind this 't'filla'
(just like some do during 'te'kias shofor').
Just trying to be 'me'orer'...

Anonymous said...

uh finally something tachlisdik