Thursday, May 14, 2009

FREE 'Shluf-Kappel' From Oorah!

(Click on image to enlarge and print)Oorah is well aware that hundreds of thousands of people are enthralled and mesmerized by their annual radiothon. The exciting and inspirational program as well as the amazing hosts and the great prizes keep people listening throughout the night. In order not to affect the learning of the precious children, they are offering them this special incentive: Be sleeping by 12:00 (5th - 8th grade), or 1:00am (high school bochurim) and you will receive this beautiful “shluf-kappel” with the official OORAH logo. At 12:00, everyone at Oorah’s Auction headquarters will don these shluf_kappellech in solidarity.

Name:_____________ Age:___ Yeshiva:_______________________
( )I went to sleep by 12:00 am (5th_8th)on the night of the Oorah_thon
( )I went to sleep by 1:00 am (High school)on the night of the Oorah_thon
Parent or Rebbi signature____________________Mail in to: Oorah, Att: Kappel 1805 Swarthmore ave, Lakewood NJ 08701


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oorahs the king!

Anon#1 stop being so serious take a chill

Fivish said...

5th - 8th graders should be sleeping wel before that time.

Anonymous said...

can you get one if you are out of high school?

Anonymous said...

May one go to sleep without a
"SHLUF KAPPOTA"? I mean 'shluf Kappel'?

Anonymous said...

They really have nothing to do with their money.

Anonymous said...

why do you think its waisting money? Perhaps by giving an incentive for kids to go to sleep early the parents can enjoy the program which in turn could help them raise money!

FEH EWWWEY said...

"Es toot vey in der hartz, az mer hut ah zelecheh bilder (ah yid mit ah hoot foon shmatteh klutz) aroom oonzer heiligeh shtudt!"
Tze ken zein az es iz ah groiseh chillul Hashem!

Zeit moichel oib mein yiddish is nisht tzoo fein, ubber ich hub nisht gevult machen nuch a chillul Hashem - oib anderer sort menshen vet reddin duss.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please translate FEH EWWWEY's comment for those who don't understand yiddish? Thanx in advance!

HAMasbir said...