Photos below of vort)
Mazel Tov! Lakewood First Aid and EMS would like to wish a heartfelt
Mazel Tov to their squad member- Chayim
Dovid Spiegel, L-570 and
Chaveirim unit 52, upon his
engagement to
Yehudis Leah
Gotlieb from Brooklyn. The
vort will
Iy'h take place this
evening, at 729 East 5
th, between Avenue F and
Ditmas at 7:30 p.m.
Mazel Tov!
Mazel Tov Chaim Dovid! May you be zoche to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'yisroel.
Mordy T.
Mazel tov !
Mazel tove He's a great guy always heping everyone. G,f
Mazel tov chayim dovid can't wait for the big day yossi ,
MAZAL TOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O baby !!! Party starting
Hey now ull have time for my car! Mazal tov mazal tov man! May all your hopes and dreams come true!! 568
Mazel Tov !!!!!!!! y
Mazel tov from your 6to9am partner may be zoche to build a bnb
To "568" my car was waiting longer ill let u know when its done !! 623
No my car 703
Mazal Tov from your freinds on Lakewood Hatzolah.
Mazel Tov!!! Very exciting!!!
mazel tov C.D ur the best !! L-29
mazel tov from 84
mazel tov 583 sorry i couldnt make it to the vort
Mazel Tov...One Nine
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