As reported
here on The Lakewood Scoop a few weeks ago, a local Frum school bus company had their buses vandalized on Friday night, causing significant damage
(see photos below). In addition he stole a cell phone from one of the buses. Not knowingly, the perpetrator stole a cell phone from the bus which contained within it a tracking device installed by Zev Toder and his company Transit Tracking. The perpetrator took the phone with him and when the bus company found out what happened on Monday morning they contacted Transit Tracking who was able to view the activity of the perpetrator due to the tracking device in the cell phone. Lakewood Police was contacted and they began their investigation. While it turns out that the tracking device was deactivated at some point, the perpetrator used the phone to make phone calls and the LPD was able to track him down through the people he called and make the arrest. On the same day as the arrest in Lakewood Transit Tracking was instrumental in the arrest of another individual in Boro Park who stole a cell phone from a school bus. That cell phone was a tracking device as well. The purpose of the tracking device is not only for incidents such as the aforementioned ones, but is also used for the efficiency of running a bus company. A bus company can track the progress of any bus at any given time and can report on its progress to parents or schools who need to know where the bus is at that time.
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1 comment:
Gevaldig ! Too bad it had to come to this, but while technology works, obviously these fools didn't. If they would have spent the same time learing (Torah) that they spent planning this robbery they would have been much better off. But we know they're not so smart.
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