(Actual photo-taken yesterday) This picture, was sent to us last night by a reader. The Lakewood Scoop spoke with the reader who sent it in and this is what he told us: "This picture is of one of our 'Teyere Yiddishe Kinder' surfing the Internet at the new Mundo Envios money transfer store on Clifton Ave, at the location that was previously occupied by Boys Basics". "My friend called me up to tell me, that there are Bachurim who go every day to use the Internet. I didn't believe it, so I went to check it out myself and I could not believe my eyes" he told us. "It is time we call the landlords of these buildings,and tell them we don't appreciate having our town turned into a slum for a few extra dollars".
To be dan l'kaff zechus, the bochurim could have been booking flights, or looking for hotels for a bein hazmanim trip, or reserving rental cars and looking for places to go and directions for a date.
If it would be allowed in the house, yes with proper restrictions, yes with proper filters, yes with the proper education, then there would be no need for them to go elsewhere to use the internet, where there are no restrictions, where there are no filters, and without educating them to the dangers of the internet.
The bottom line is that by burying your head in the sand and just assiring assiring assiring you accomplish nothing and make the situation worse.
did you have the bochur's permission to put his picture on the web?
the boy looks like he is 13 years old. Not booking flights...
Nebech, the atzas hayetzer!! We need rachmei shomayim- AND restrictions! But who really knows the answer!
He might have been checking out T.L.S. to get the latest hock?
With all due respect - this picture should have been blurred - i agree with you - downtown has become quite unpleasant - but as long as we are employing these people they will stay here.
B"H, they found a world outside of Lakewood. Maybe they're learning to interact, perhaps looking for a job. The internet is more than much more than Shmutz, used correctly it can be very much informative; i.e Lakewood Scoop & Voz iz Nais. Perhaps the Vaad would consider ankle bracelets with GPS capability. Personally, I believe this picture falls in to the Loshen Hora category - which is far worse.
TO May 14, 2009 10:17 AM
the picture was colored over his face. look again.
The answer is not to close down every store that is offering this stuff, it's unrealistic. You gotta just be careful with your kids and learn to deal with it
This was a 13 year. Old boy. Iwould be very upset if my son was surfing the net unsupervised with no filter at that age.I am very open minded and don't shelter my kids,but a money transfer store is not the place to trust to introduce my child to the wealth of information the internet has to offer. The owners should be liable for any improper material a child may access in their store. We already had a mexican store caught selling pornography to our kids. Why didn't we burn the place down? Yet we complain when a yiddishe store sells something in the least bit questionable. If the klausenberger rebbe was alive he would be standing at the door of that store to stop any bochur from entering. We only worry about sleeves under t-shirts and the stitching around borsalino brims. What a chaval.
PLEASE! Don't just kvetch!
If you can't encourage and bring simchas haChaim (ruchnius/gashmius)to OUR young ones, help those who are her to help you -- help you.
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Thanks to TLS for your constant chizuk!!
It was step in elegance and not boys basics. Boys Basics was not rented as of yet. Look forward to something similar to this one.
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