Need an oil change but don't want to wait at the mechanic for an hour plus? You no longer have to. Yehuda Aminov, a member of Lakewood Chaveirim has just started Road Runner Lube-a mobile oil change service, which will either come to your home or office to do the oil change, so you don't have to waste your time at the shop. In fact, it's the same price you would pay at a mechanic. Most cars are $30. He also offers tires rotations and diagnoses check-engine lights. Being a member of Chaveirim, you can rely on a job well done!
He's a great guy I'm sure he's gonna do well!!!!
i wish him hatzlocha
Great news. Whats the # to set up an appt? Wishing him lots of Hatzlocha!
He once came to help me he's a sweat heart
his number is 732-942-1088. Great guy!
Yehudda we wish u much hatzlach
I wish him hatzlacha but $30.00 is NOT the avg price by the machanics.
they are usually between 20 and 25. I am not saying not to use him but don't make it sound like it is not more expensive
sounds to me like this is a conflict of intrest.
yeah most local frum mechanics charge 25 for an oil change.
Not such a great deal if you ask me.
30 dollars is a great price for service at your location with no wait, drive to mechanic, etc. Wishing him alot of Hatzlacha.
why is mo kishmich commenting on every story?
To "Mr Anon" do u realy care if i comment on every story???????
To Mo Kishmich,
Bechlal not, you poshit seem to be a very opinionated person.
Perhaps you should open a new blog by yourself?
I'm mamish only saying it letoieles
Why is Anonymous commenting on EVERY story? ...and so-o-o-o many times! He argues with himself!!
What a wierdo!
Why is Anonymous commenting on EVERY story? ...and so-o-o-o many times! He argues with himself!!
What a wierdo!
To Jo Kishmich
you're raising a good point!!!
9:05 writes cheep jews. I take it as offensive,!!!
His number is 347-753-1020...pass it around...I'm so excited, I can now stay at work and get it done right here.
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