Mazel Tov! The Lakewood Scoop team would like to wish a hearty Mazel Tov to Yaakov Yitzchok Trainer, Director of Development of Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood, upon the birth of his daughter! May you be Zoche to see much Nachas from this one and the rest of the family. Hakodosh Baruch Hu should give you the strength to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh with much Bracha and Hatzlacha.
Mazel Tov R' Yaakov
zulst huben a sach yiddishe nachas
mazel tov
r yaakov is a tzadik who without him many people (myself included would not make it through the month
finally some thing good to report on a real good piece of news...REB YAKKOV YOU ARE FROM THE BEST LAKEWOOD HAS TO OFFER ...mazel tov asach yiddishe nachas
mazel tov of lakewoods true ohev chesed
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