Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hanochas Even Hapinah Of New Bobov Shul

Photos and exclusive video below of the Hanochas Even Hapinah this evening of the new Bobov Shul which is being built on Astor Street. In attendance, was the Rosh Hayeshiva Reb Yeruchem Shlita (who also addressed the crowd), the Satmar Dayan Shlita and the Skverre Dayan Shlita.



Anonymous said...

which bobov?

Anonymous said...

48 street-- where was the rebbe

Tzoodik Sceinberger-- is a choosid from both Bobovs and a big vishnitza chusid from LA

Lokel Yokel said...

This new shul fills a huge void.
There are no shuls/ shtieblach from coventry shul all the way to Whispering Pines.
That swath of population have had to walk long distances to shul.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Rabbi Mordechai Rubin's shul, located in the same area? He has always provided and continues to maintain a beautiful minyan for all the Bobovers (48) strictly sings bobover nigenim and even makes mi shebarach for RBZ . He never asks for membership dues, and gives kiddush, melave malke etc.I think in today's economy we should lay low.Who cares if its called Vishnitza not Bobov?