EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS: The Lakewood Scoop has just confirmed that two Bachurim from Lakewood, who are currently learning in a Yeshivah in Yerushalayim were among four American Bachurim arrested during the protests on Motzoei Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel. The two other Bachurim are from Brooklyn-one from Borough Park and one from Williamsburg. The Lakewood Scoop just spoke with an Israeli offical and tremendous Askan who is in direct contact with the Police and other officials trying to negotiate the release of the four Bachurim. They were reportedly arrested for throwing stones at police during the protests. The Bachurim had their passports taken from them while they are being held in an Israeli prison. Due to the extreme sensitivity of the situation, we cannot release any additional information at this time. We will keep you updated on this developing story. (TLS).
Why wouldn't they be thrown in jail if they were throwing rocks? Do they think it's "cool" to itimidate the yerushalmis that do that (I hope were not talking about on shabbos) and burn garbages. I doubt that's what the gedolim called for when they wanted people to protest.
I just hope the bochurim didn't get hurt by the rough police.
I have been to many hafgonos i doubt they were throwing rocks. the iraeli police come storming in and just go after anyone and everyone they can get a hold of. They are just "SONAI DAS". And before they lash out on Iran how they treat there people they should look at themselves(the Israelis)
Shame on them - You are right for not publishing their names - I would not let my daughter marry them if I knew who they were.
Although on the blog world people love to talk about terrible Israeli Chareidim and their Chinuch system are and bring Hafgonos as proof, my experience learning in EY has shownAmerican Bochrim being from the worst offenders and the least L'Shem Shmayim in these type of Hafgonas
Even if they were just by-standers, the police would arrest them anyway. They arrest anyone in the vicinity of a hafgana if he is Chareidi, even innoccent bystanders. I wouldn't use this as a criteria to make or break a shidduch. Let's hope they are let out of jail quickly. I think Yidden should protest chillul Shabbos, but, not by throwing rocks.
Anyone that has been to isreal knows that after the isreal'sthrow stuff and run away the americans that don't know what's happening get arrested or since they rent apt right there they could be learning in bed and are grabbed out since they have no place to run to anyone that says otherwise hasn't been there
I would not break a shidduch because of this and if you would, you are very naive. This happens all the time. Israeli police officers get very "out of wack" and arrest anyone in the vicinity whether or not they are doing harm or standing by watching.
The intense Sinah towards Bnei Torah displayed by bloggers on the various 'frum' websites is astoundingly shocking.
We wonder why Moshiach has not yet arrived. We wonder why there are such tragedies.
Sinas Chinam is the answer.
Please, before you hit send on a vile sinas chinam comment, please, reconsider.
The Americans who go to Israel are by far the worst offenders. They cause more problems than anyone else. These boys are probably right where they belong. Try throwing rocks at police in this country and see where you end up. The only difference here is that after you get arrested you can clain anti-semitism...
Not only do I agree that American Bochrim act from the worst at Hafgonas, I have the hardest time finding a Limud Zchus for those who do (Allow me to stress first, neither the majority of Yershulmai or American Bochrim engage in bad behavior at hafgonos)At least the M.S. crowd has a Mesorah from a time these Hafgonas were all L'Shem Shmoyim and with Mesiras Nefesh and the Chilonim were not Tinokes S'Nisbah, but how could an American Bocher engage in such behavior?As one who engaged in some of such behavior myself I express my regrets, but I know that Chillul Hashem isn't easy to get a Kaparoh for.Please make sure your son's in EY don't act the way I did.
they should sit in jail for a bit so that they should learn a lesson
Torah haters, all of you.
what happened to being dan lekaf zechus? does any one of you critics even know the details of the arrests? do you even care to find out? or is it just easier to sit in your pjs and dump on everyone else. embarrassment.
Ive walked by hafganos and had to run for my life to get away from the yassam - they are reshuim arurim.
the yassam behave worse than the yudenrat capos
go back to your vile rat holes? you avi weiss wannabees.
none of them would even want to get near your daughter; shes probably hanging out in the shuk.
as a yid with a feeling heart, how can you gleefully say that someone should sit in jail? come to your senses.
yassam = nazis
i have been beaten up by two of these cops, while i was just a bystander not knowing to run, they just grab anybody they can, dont judge befor you know the whole story.
OK now that you called the yassams names, you called the bochurim names and you called the ppl posting torah haters, you can go back to the coffee room... Enjoy the rest of your day...
It's true that the Yassam are looking to assault people and hit innocent bystanders but that doesn't justify everything done by demonstrations.Perhaps these Bochrim are indeed innocent but when I learned in EY none of friends who got arrested were.
everybody knows that the yassam arrest anybody they can get their hands on and has no bearing on what yiou were doing . they break into yeshivas and apartments and beat up innocent people . this is well known .
Its better to be in coffe room the hate jews and to the person who said he would not take these boys as a son inlaw you probaly wont get any normall son in law
I got arrested by a Hafgana, married your daughter, and your still happy with me..... What do you know...
heimish wud you rather your daughter marry someone who hangs in ac or goes to movies??
Is the only choice a boy who goes to Hafgaonos or a boy that goes to AC, movies and the shuk? I think there are many sane Yeshiva boys who know that hafganos are a Chillul HaShem in the current format. I am most probably more pained than all you about the Chillul Shabbos yet would not participate nor allow my son to participate in a Hafgono. And yes you are more normal if you stay away from these Hafgonos than if you go. For that matter do you think that going to a Hafgono has ever helped make anyone Frum????? I know of people that have become Frum due to the way I have dealt with them. Can all you hockers say the same thing????? I doubt my daughter would marry anyone who is a active participant in these Hafgonos, and I doubt she would marry someone who goes to AC or to the movies. I think it is quiet likely that some of these American participants are also movie goers!
get real with hafgana. they always grab the first person they see. Ask any of the askanim in EY
all of you GET A LIFE
this might be a shaila of hasagas gvul if its not made leshmah
Reb Heimish...Some thing tells me that if you were by one of these Hafganas, you would be the recipient of a Geshmakeh beating..
Luv always, your future Son in Law
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