BREAKING NEWS: Police are currently investigating an incident, where a child was found in a car with the parent nowhere in sight. The police were alerted by a passerby and responded immediately. Due to the sensitivity of the situation, we cannot disclose any further details at this time. The child is Baruch
Hashem okay. With the summer months approaching, we urge our readers to please use extreme caution and never to leave your child unattended in a car, even for "just a minute". The consequences can R"L be deadly an you CAN get arrested. (TLS)
As long as people are focused on the important things like what color clothing their neighbors wife is wearing....
RJ the reverse is acualy true - Its because of ladies dressing immodestly that makes these things happen.
do you believe in hashgocha??
Anon 233---
I believe in hashgocha. However, because ladies dress immodestly it doesnt make this happen. its because ladies dont use their BRAINS!!
Maybe this guy was focusing on the tznius of a passing woman so he forgot to take the baby out of the car.
and to anon 2:33, I believe in hasgocha, but I don't have the powers of nevuah that you do to be able to say with such clarity the exact hashgocha in this case.
RJ - agrred, however you would admit that when we do the right thing less "bad" thing shappen to us.
Tzaddik v'rah lo?
Perhaps they should have called Hatzolah, Chaverim rather than the Police
Perhaps it wasn't "fun unzere" that called
it was not fun unzere that called that is the ztarah he called the shotrim
it was aokum that discovered the baby thats how all the tzaros started
3:32 - WRONG! All the tzaros started when that parent left the child in the car. The parents are indebted to that "akum" and should be eternally grateful for saving their child's life. Maybe this will discourage people from leaving children in the car unattended - someone may call the police and child services can take ALL of the children away (as if the possibility of a kid DYING isn't enough).
1 - I am fun unzere and I would call the police immediately if i saw a child unattended locked in a car.
2 - Both this issue and the issue of Tznius are important. One has to do with your physical wellbeing, the other with your spiritual well being.
Reading the comments and the news-item itself this is a pretty "sensitive situation".
leaving your child in the car is tantamount to leaving them alone in harlem!!! there are very scary people in lakewood and they would love to take your kids for the scare of thier lives! it baffles me that people would never leave thier pocketbook or any other valuables in the car for they are afraid of them getting stolen, yet they leave thier most precious children in the car...!!
my heart goes out to this couple they are going to have to suffer terrible consenquences but its better then CV"S loosing their child which was a real posibility. thank G-D this didnt happen on a hotter day or the child would be dead. please every one make sure you never leave children in your car.
Why do you post stories if u dont write names where it happend.Other wize dont post storis than thanks
June 24, 2009 5:45 PM
one big fat YENTA
where did this happen?
Raboisai we have to be more vigilant especialy in these days where the childrens schedules are diffrent than usual being that playroup is over and there is a change in routine which can keep us off our guard.
i think that to leave a child in a car for a few minutes wont do him any harm but if you get used to doing it you will end up leaving him for longer and longer and thats why its extremely important not to get used to this habit
anyone on this blog who thinks its normal to leave a child in the car is crazy, and i too would have called the police for gross negligence. i pity the parents who must be under terrible pressure for such a thing at all to happen to them. we are all running, running the whole day, no time for anything or anyone, and apparently, no time for the kids either. shame on us
To the one who thinks its ok to leave your child in the car for just a "few" I hope I catch u bec I will call the police and wait there to watch them take u away!!!!
A few years ago a frum father in Lakewood forgot his kid in the car. The child did not survive.
Enough said!
Anon, 11:30 pM,Unfortunately, that wasn't the first time that happened. ANyone who's been in Lakewood long enough remembers another such incident where the child didn't survive. Please, no more!
And how abot that lady who wrote an article in the coffe room section in the voice of lakewood , stating how there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving a child in a car by him/herself while the engine is ruunning.
Holam hufooch rueesee . Where have these people been brought up?
That women is a danger to society and to her own kids .
as a mother who has 2 children in playgroup and 1 by a babysitter please tell me how is it possible to do drop offs in the morning without leaving the kids in the car while you drop off the 1st and 2nd kid?Its impossible 2 shlep 3 kids at once!
stop having kids, it is different if your dropping off but to go inside for a time as many do for prayers and not be concerned over your kids. i guess one is disposable
yeshivish payos man said...
And what are with those ladies who think its ok to leave their kids in strollers in front of stores while they just 'run in to get one item'?
Rule: where you wouldn't leave your purse alone DO NOT leave your child alone!
Hey payos. i would do the same . Apparently this is the only language they understand!
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