Monday, June 8, 2009

Bais Pinchos Dinner With Dayan Dunner Shlita

Photos and video of the Bais Pinchos dinner which took place at Bais Yaakov this evening, with the guest speaker being Dayan Dunner Shlita from England.



Anonymous said...

Now let's see who can tie the buffs or the shomrim in here. C'mon take the challenge. Thanks TLS for a new story to read. Unfortonately all there was to read today was bunch of sick comments.

Anonymous said...

Now let's see who can tie the buffs or the shomrim in here. C'mon take the challenge. Thanks TLS for a new story to read. Unfortonately all there was to read today was bunch of sick comments.

SNUFF UNIT # 45 said...

Thanks to the buffs for all their directing. The parking was a real cream puff.