(Click on ballot to enlarge) (Previously posted). The following is a message published from the Lakewood
Vaad regarding
today's primary elections: Every
year we ask the
Olam to vote once in April for school board elections, and again in November for the general elections. We have not been
Matriach the
Olam to out a third time for the June Primaries, recognizing that your times is valuable. This year is different. The Freeholders are facing a serious Primary challenge and they are most deserving of our much needed support. We note that the financial challenges facing Lakewood's taxpayers and families are great and we are fortunate to have experienced, talented and caring individuals in the County and Statehouse who are up to the task and ready, willing and able to help support Lakewood through this tough time.
Your voting place is the same one as that for the general election. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. You can only vote if you are a registered Republican or undeclared. If you are undeclared, you must say that you would like to vote in the Republican primary. If you are registered Democrat, you cannot vote in the Republican primary.
why is the vaad not suppoting menashe miller?????? he spports the vaad and they stab him in the back!!!!!!!!
For the same reason they aren't going to back Steven Langert INEFECTIVE. BTW-You cant read "vote for 2" there are only 2.
Maybe Menashe & Meir will step down on their own as they nebech aren't effective anymore.
Hey that's a great reason not to support him "He supports the vaad".
only a fool and uninformed voter votes for who the vaad say, they dont have your best interest in mind just their own. vote lonegan colomn straight down. the vaad picks have not had one possitive effect on us i challenge you name one. dont be a bunch of sheep
Vote Avi Salamon!! And ull see taxes go down!!
Hey the vaad never said to vote for christie so why vote lonegan??
because lonegan is awsome on all points christie is just republican by name hes at best a moderate at worst he's a drop better than corzine lonegan has a bold plan for real change he's an unabashed consevative. the vaad didnt endorse christie because they support corzine thats their man the one who screwed up the state the one who is doubling our electric bills thats the one who the vaad said we should vote for last time and the time before and before and before etc.. for once vote for a fresh new start vote lonegan. dont take my word for it listen to both cadidates and i think youll be pretty impressed with him
I want to commend the scoop for not just being another mouth piece for the vaad and posting opposition posts as well.thank you
no one is running against the 2 republican names on the ballot
the vaad will make its choice by the general election.possibly splitting the vote beetween the republican and democrat ticket.
even if your candidate won't win ,
Lakewood residents must vote for those that will lower property tax keep this in mind the politicans look at the polling data for each district and we must send a clear message that we had enough of paying one of the highest tax in the nation vote Lonegan and Solomon they are the only way we can send a message to trenton that the people have had enough.
Avi Salomon should first run for somethinh low level like thr BOE. If he can prove himself there, then we might consider him for something higher.
He still hasn't proven himself...
fyi, Cunliffe is trying hard to run on the Independent ticket together w/ Celli against Miller & Havens.
Who is celli?
What does the LAC have in store for us? They did some cackling by last election. Hey they got in Silver on the BOE. LAC who u got for township Committee?
Once the LAC joined the Igud & the vaad we knew where they are headed to-
Put up some independent.
Let's not call it lakewood vaad just "a vaad". Lakewood belongs to the tax payers not the freeloaders aka "vaad".
It's almost time to start the Langert recall, Januar 1st is a year-start up your engines.
Keep in mind that the politicians view the polling data from evrey district lets all vote Lonegan and Solomon and even if we they have no shot The message to trenton will be clear .Lakewood taxpayers cant be bought the number one issue facing us is property taxes and so far nothing was done .The Vaad always preaches the same talking points of how all the incumbants do so much for the "Kehila"well its been to long and nothing has changed taxes are sky rocketting and there is no end in sight, its time to rock the boat and send a clear message where the Lakewood Taxpayer stands.We wont be told who to vote for by those that have a personal interest.
Maybe Chalie Cunliffe as an independent is not that bad. He must have learned from his agressive past mistakes. Is his daughter still on the Lkwd Police force? Is she still a young spoiled kid bashing up the Poilce vehicles?
Charlie is not a bad candidate, at least he's independent.
Common sense dictates that every responsible person must make it a point not to ever vote for any one that is endorsed by the vaad.
How can u ever vote for "crazy charlie" he hates jews he hates people he is a embarrassment to society!!
The only thing I would vote for "crazy charlie" is for the sanitation dept!
I still never figured out what Solomon brings to the table? Why can't he first run for the BOE and show us what he can do before demanding we put him in higher office?? Commenting on and crtitiquing other politicians is not the way to go.. it's actually accomplishing something that will get him further down the road.
Go avi salamon go!!
to all the sheep: the vaad dosent care about you (aka: the little people) they are only doing this for themselves!
show them how we wont tolerate being taken advantage of - vote the opposite!
the name vaad is very misleading when you hear the name vaad you think of rabanim, i this case the "vaad" is a bunch of aggresive bussiness men trying to profit off our backs there are no rabanim associated with them. its not enough that you dont vote according to the "vaad" you have an abligation to talk to your friends and persuade them and show them the light that they should vote with their own minds.
vote Solomon, Lonegen
send a message to trenton and to the vaad that we will not go like sheep and let our property taxes go through the roof in order for the powers to be to enrich themselves and their mosdos (are they all paying property tax)
vaad we are onto you! your days are numbered
The Vaad has not abandoned their support for Menashe Miller. He and Hannah Havens are running unopposed in the primary election. Their is no need for an endorsement, nor is their a need to vote for them - they will move onto the general election in any event (where you will certainly see a Vaad endorsement for Miller but not Havens).
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