The following are the winners of
Oorah's free laptop giveaway: #1: Jessica
Spier, Wesley Hills, NY, #2: Terry
Storch, Los Angeles, CA, #3: David
Willner, Los Angeles, CA, #4:
Mordechai Fabian, London, England, #5: Ayala
Zolty, Toronto, Canada, #6:
Malka Emanuel, Israel, #7: Miriam
Kolodny, Far
Rockaway, NY, #8: Golda
Prizament, Denver, CO, #9:
Varda Eliyohu, Israel, #10: Joshua
Hertzberg, Flushing, NY, #11: Abby Schwartz, NY, NY, #12: Avi Saltzman, Spring Valley, NY. Congratulations!!
Not one Lakewood winner. What a shame!
No internet in Lakewood.
don't need internet to have a laptop.
need internet to sign up for laptop raffle.
No Lakewood or Brooklyn?!??!
the big raffle also almost no winners ever in lakewood why bother even try may be bigger mitzvah to give your money to mrs. shanik or bonei olam or a yeshiva that is struggling
someone sounds really bitter over here.
are you giving the money to give tzedakah or to win a prize? gotta review your prioritites in life!!
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