Friday, May 8, 2009

Minyan Shelanu Bonfire/Raffle -Location Change

As The Lakewood Scoop posted here, Minyan Shelanu will once again be hosting their annual Lag Ba'omer Bonfire/Raffle on Monday evening. However, this year it will not be taking place at the usual location, but at the Oak Street School. As per the request of Minyan Shelanu, the event is for men only. The schedule is as follows: Barbeque at 7:00 p.m, Bonfire 9:00 p.m and the raffle drawing at 11:00 p.m. ( The grand prize is $10,OOO, First Prize $2,600 and Second Prize is $1,800). To purchase a raffle, you can click here to be redirected to Minyan Shelanus' raffle page. To read about the amazing work of Minyan Shelanu, click here.


Zundel Mernoch said...

Minyan Shelanu is "THE only place in Lakewood" where EVERYONE can, and does, come for ANY sort of help or support!! Be it a yeshiva-man, parent, teen, layman, yeshivish, not yeshivish, litvish, chasidish, sefardish, etc.

Minyan Shelanu has made numerous Melava Malkas on sporadic Motzoei shabbosim. There were large turnouts. They have a shabbaton with numerous inspiring rabbonim and askonim in attendance.

They have shiurim given by prominent (yeshivish, litvish, chasidish, sefardish) Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim.There are daily - TWO minyanim for shachris, a minyan for mincha, night seder with chavrusos and maariv. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM HERE TO ELABORATE ON THE MANY ZECHUSIM AND HATZOLAS NEFOSHOS that The Minyan has done and continues to do.

The minyan is a place where you may see a boy with long hair saying yehei shmay rabbah 'bekol koichoy'! Yes THOSE boys are OUR boys, OUR children, OUR klal Yisroel,OUR MINYAN-- where every yochid feels that he CAN belong, and that belonging can keep THEM all afloat in order to keep THEM as part of US!!

Remember: These are OUR children! YES, OUR children! Not from NY or elswhere.No parent should have to ever experience these trying situations.

So, please, open your hearts and support OUR (yours & mine) Minyan Shelanu?
Minyan Shelanu is currently having a raffle - Please show your support, and help them help you.

To purchase raffles from them-PLEASE:

call their office at 732-276-7361

or log onto:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean men not ladies or men not boys?

Anonymous said...

I think they mean no ladies...becomes a hangout