On Wednesday, the Board Of Ed voted in favor of a $50/ hour raise for Board Of Ed Attorney, Michael
Inzelbuch, bringing it from $200/hour, to a whopping $250 an hour. Newcomer
Yoni Silver and the rest of the board voted unanimously on the raise, which caused quite a bit of shock amongst Silver supporters. The Lakewood Scoop brought up the question to a LAC member. He told The Lakewood Scoop, that it was unclear form the agenda that they were to vote on a raise, rather it seemed they were voting on a simple Reinstating of contracts.
just remember Yoni is only 1 of 9 members.it will not happen overnight.Yoni did not relize he was giving michael a raisejust reinstating the contract.Michael is very shrewd.
So basically you're saying that Yoni got schooled?
once a person becomes a politician...... they're finnished.
no matter where no matter who, even you.
If only he would share some with Catapult Teachers. . .
lac is cheared by a. kotler . I wonder y?????
let's be fair yoni just got in and inzelbuch hammered out this deal before it was a note in his contract that he gets a autonatic raise with the reinstatement.
However steven langert who campaigned on higher property taxes and fiscall responsibilaty has gone AWOL.....
Bottom line is that Yoni S. is inexperienced. He needs training on how to read and understand agendas and contracts. If he is purporting to represent the interests that he claimed he was - the least he could do is ask questions BEFORE he votes. Then again.. it's likely that his not having served in a public position before, he was intimidated by the process and was fearful of starting on the wrong foot.
Inside sources say that Michael got only $900,000.00 in salary and benefits for 2008. That's less than one percent of the School budget. And he does several jobs for the BOE as lawyer, Special Ed Consultant, etc. Why begrudge him a paltry $50 hourly raise?
900'0000 is not enough a 50.00 hourly raise is a lot and sock it to the taxpayer when is this madness goingto stop?
As a Catapult employee I saw my take home pay slashed by 25%. I was arbitrarily and illegaly switched from employee to independent contractor. Why is Inzelbuch, who approved this as Board attorney in charge of all contracts, getting a 25% increase?
In Brooklyn. special ed teachers are getting paid $60.00 AN HOUR, here in Lakewood the teachers with the same education are getting $12.00 AN HOUR !!!!!!!!!!
This is unbeleivable!! A raise in salary when everything else is being cut! He should ask them to retract it!
If indeed Y Silver did not realize what he was voting on, its not too late. Yoni should be big enough to admit it, and request a full accounting of Inzelbuch's total compensation package. Then ask for a re-vote on his contract. Pro or con, at least it will be an informed vote, with fact-based discussion.
Anything less is dereliction of duty by the Board. And they may as well just call themselves the MI rubber stamp.
Did anyone check what the going-rate is for other BOE Attys with the same responsibilities is?? Does anyone know if the BOE can even find another highly experienced atty for less than $250? Does a/o know how many years ago was the last time his professional pay was raised?
I think before screaming & yelling e/o should at least be familiar w/ some relevant facts..
Michael has been at this for a long time. And he pulled a quick one on the entire Lakewood community especially at a time when everyone is talking about pay cuts, he has the chutzpa to ask for a raise. But, the board members who approved this are a bunch of fools. Do they realize that THEY ARE HIS BOSS! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! They could fire him in a minute and they should. HE HAS ONLY HIS INTERESTS IN MIND.
When anyone talks about how high taxes are he blames it on Bussing and SCHI. WE ARE ENTITLIED TO BUSSING! And special ed services through the public school would cost more than it is costing the distict through SCHI.
HE just needs his fat raise and could care less about anyone and anythig else.
were screwed anyway it wont change anything
Fair comment. Let's indeed check out how many NJ BOE lawyers double-dip to the tune of $900,000.00. Betcha my Brandolino not a single one.
Wonder how he justified all this? Maybe he thinks that since he got the BOE this great deal with BMG on the Princeton bldg and the new BOE offices at Jamesway contract the yeshiva would just look away?!? Chevra enough is enough!!! We vote in new guy and stinks already! Speak up and fess up that this was a mistake and you want full accounting for all these expenses!! MI is good at what he does, though not 900K good!
You get what you pay for. Why do people enter politics and public service? For the betterment of the community? Don't be foolish, for the betterment of themselves. Oh and I'm sure their excuse was "well what he was getting paid was well below market standard"....
Gezeila demomon shell tzibbur!! I hope he doesn't think that giving to tzedaka is mechaper for this shakedown!
MI you got what you wanted! Now give Lakewood what they deserve- a retirement slip from you!
take 900k and devide the hours per week, this means MI was working 85 hour weeks....fat chance......stop stealing our money MI!!!!
Awesome!! Such an asken!! Doing it all leshem shomaim!! What nachas... Eh... BUSHAH!!! Does he really deserve such a large salary? What does he do already? Save the Township millions?! Or bankrupt it?? We call for you to step down MI!!!
leave it up to Aaron, if i didnt happen already, give him some time and he will have yoni in his back pocket.
Get the facts:
Aaron and his boys got the LAC under their control in no time! these guys are proS
This is a disgrace. They always say that if they cut anything then we would only save a bit and the savings to the rabim is really great and therefore we should just approve everything the vaad/township wants. This is just shocking and irresponsible!!!
Anyone have any suggestions on how we can get this town under fiscal responsibility? The new guys might need some time.. But by then what will be left??!!!!
Michael Inzelbuch your an embarrassment and an arrogant person now get out!
I think the Atty is great at what he does. He has employed several succesful legal strategies to fend off lawsuits and thus saved the BOE from serious financial losses and by extension the ppl holding the $$ bag (i.e., all of us). He also uncovered some serious cash that rightfully was coming to the BOE from the state & Federal Gov't thereby providing the ENTIRE student population of Lakewood. Some of the commentors here sound like some just plain Hockers who always find it easy to bash another person no matter how much he does or how valuable he is. It's always easy to do away w/ another's reputation, especially when u really have no clue about the constant and quite busying goings-on in this administration..
I still haven't seen anyone post enlightening answers to anon 11:20?
Like the money they can't collect from the State for bussing because we cross state highway!!!
anon 7:13 -
It's quite obvious that I wasn't referring to clearly mandated busing.. but to a host of both busing-related and non-related issues. I realize ur attempting to sound smart as if u are familiar with some issues but if that's the best u could do, u apparently need an education urself..
TG how about providing us with an education?? I'm sure after that we will all be able to request a raise as well!! How can he have the chutzpah to request any raise in such an economy??!!
TG, most attn bill over 200 an hour but if you pull the hours billed by othere it wont amount to more than 200k a year. MI takes himself many jobs within the BOE and bills like crazy for them.he should resign!
Who's the guy that claimed the false salary figure to be @ 900k? Can he back it up by telling all of us how in the world he got to those numbers and what the real breakdown is? Until this amount is proved to be factual, I'll be dismissing it as stam Hock.. With baseless rumors like these, before we know it we'll be hearing that he walked away last year w/ 1.9m!!!
How much he makes is public record!!
I still haven't heard anyone claim to have gone through the public record and provide us with the factual breakdown of how he arrived at the 900k figure. I'd also like a legitimate resource & specific document to double-check on my own what the real truth is.
Again, until proven otherwise.. this is all just plain old HOCK!!
Skeptic -
Why all the back and forth. MI can easily diprove the $900K figure--if it is incorrect. Otherwise, Shtika Kehoydaah.
At the next BOE meeting MI should ask the District Business Administrator to submit a certified report to the Board Members and to the public, providing a breakdown of MI entire (gross) compensation package for any and all services rendered to the BOE during 2008, from all positions and in all capacities. Including, legal, arbitration, negotiations, special ed, investigations, salaries, hours, benefits, travel, pensions - - EVERYTHING. EVERY DOLLAR.
If MI doesn't come forward and ask for this Report, Yoni Silver should ensure the Board exercises its responsibility by making a Motion that the Board direct the Business Adminstrator to provide this certified Report. Let's see if his Motion gets a second, and let's see how our elected representatives vote.
Isn't it EMBARRASING that not a single member of the BOE knows the answer to this simple question? Don't believe it? Just ask them.
Is the reluctance, so far, to make full disclosure, because the figure is actually higher than 900K? Or because its "only" $878K?
For how many years is this going on?
Is your skepticism merely subterfuge for a cover-up?
See http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200990506026
Silver is getting the job done.
Good work Yoni and the LAC
Anon 2:30 –
It appears you’re trying to manipulate the history overhere..
I am not interested in MI charging the BOE more $$ for wasting unnecessary time disproving some Hocker’s purported claim that he’s refusing to back up. I highly doubt MI has the time or the interest to just sit around and read blogs (and their comments) like this one – so your taaneh of Shtika Kehoydaah seems ludicrous.
Further, MI has throughout his tenure has surely submitted the required billing statements to the BOE. The information is already there. The burden of proof is on the originator of this apparently unfounded rumor. It’s been a few days since this rumor started in the comments section and we have yet to see the evidence.
I also don’t understand why you feel it’s such a big deal to get the info. Why can’t Board Member Silver place a simple phone call to the Business Administrator’s office w/ a request for the appropriate documentation? This can be done even BEFORE the next meeting. He can then release those results to the public and make a stink if he wants to.
The point is that if you’re going to make a claim, especially if it’s public, then be prepared to BACK IT UP!!!
every one is just mind your own buss. if mi realy wants he can make more money sueing the board why is schi opened today? why is there bussing? he desvers what he makes a pround parent of schi thanks mi
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