Breaking News. At a meeting at 8:15 a.m this morning, the Lakewood Board Of Ed, which has taken heat from the taxpayers and the Press in the recent weeks, has passed the new budget, which included a $770,000 reduction given to them by the Committee. However, in the 5-1 vote for the budget increase, came the 'No' from newcomer
Yoni Silver.
Yoni Stated, that in such a difficult economy, he felt that voting 'Yes' to a tax increase just wasn't right to the taxpayers. Although it included the reduction, he felt that there should not have been an increase at all and should have been reduced to a %0 increase. (
Voting no is useless, unless you build a consesus to vote along with you. Additionally this no was only to cover his tracks after his first YES vote. The bottom line is he is useless in there.
way to go yoni! keep it up! there will be those that yell when you vote yes or no, but we know you and trust your vote.
Mr useless, he almost got the vote turned down since they needed 5 votes to pass it!!
I agree. he's just trying to save his skin from his earlier scandal.Doesn't even sound like he spoke to the issue, if he understood it at all.
I guess he'll just be known as the straight "No" vote from now on. Doesn't sound very bright.
Someone needs to explain to him that every vote is supposed to be decided on a case-by-case.
I'd like to know to specific item that he voted down, especially when Not only the rest of the Board voted yes but also the Twp Committee cast their votes in understanding of the administration's needs.
He needs a better mentor fast..
Almost does not count.
Who ever is writng those comments against Yoni today Must be people who do not want anything done to help the public.They are trying to knock him which every way possible to make him useless.They do not want the truth to come out.All they are,are selfish indviduals who only care about them Selves and no one else.Give Yoni the chizuk, all he is trying to do is help you.
I didn't comment above, but let me stress, I most definitly do want to see Yoni trim waste from the school board budget, however I find it disturbing to see someone elected to the BOE vote against a budget with out offering an alternitive plan or clear reason for voting against it.He was elected to the BOE not the township, so let us see him act on behalf of the BOE,with sechel of course.I'm also confident the BOE has plenty of waste, but without identifying it, like he should, I don't see how he can just vote against a budget.Remember we are in Golus.
There is no reason to give Yoni Chizuk to do what is wrong. He is managing very well on his own doing just that. If he needs Chizuk to do what is right then he is not the right candidate. A leader does what is right even when it is not popular, through that they become popular. When you continue old policies, and vote no when it is useless, you become useless.
Unfortunately the corruption is live and ingrained at the Lakewood BOE.
I bought a home in Lakewood. Michael Inzelbuch was the lawyer. He insisted that title insurance policy be obtained through Abe Ostreicher, a BOE member, who votes regularly on Inzelbuch's salary. Tit for Tat. Need more proof? Just confront them.
Bedidi Hava Uvda.
With an 138 million dollar budget to cut a few million dollars after cutting 39 jobs does not need rocket scientest to figure out how to cut a few percent every business and private school is cutting due to the economic times.There is plenty to cut without sacrificing one drop of education.It might just be a trip We all have to cut something from our life with todays economic times..or just some purchasing that is done with fiscal responsibilty.It is easy for the Boe to spend our money.It is hard to cut it takes work time and wisdom which the BOE lacks.If they do not have the time no one blames them JUST GET OUT!
Stop pitying Silver so much. You make it as if HE will be our final savior.. As if HE will be the chosen one to finally clean it all up.
Do you think anyone here believes that hogwash anymore?! The only things knocking him are his own dimwitted statements and actions!!!
Based on his track record so far, it looks like we’re doomed again…
the point is not Silver. lets stand up and do something.he just happened to be willing with your help to something.If this year you put in Silver next year lets put in 2 more people that want do fight for the people and together we can accomplish for everyone not just for self centered indaviduals.
Its time for all old askanim too retire.They were all self serving and lined their own pockets on the expense of the tzibbur without naming names look around how many members of the vaad and other local boards have personally fattened their wallets on the backs of the lakewood taxpayers who put them in a position to look out for OUR intrests.
after all these years of tit for tat and weeling and dealing they are useless in fighting for us since they can't stand up to all the corruption which they are part of.
We need new selfless askanim like R' Yoni Silver who are coming in with no strings attached and not scared to stand up to the establishment.
The people of lakewood have had enough of the askanim not fighting for us ,letting the spending go on unaccounted for in all the township Depts ,the BOE, Public works ,Tax assecor ,etc....
lets all forget about askonim ..lets just remember to support the evening of chizuk for a poor mosad that almost never has to take out a mortgage to buy some property and owns about 400 non tax paying properties...just shell it out and keep on paying
its all fine and dandy to bash some one who tries to make a difference. at least he is making an effort to make a difference. lets face the fact it will be alot of headache with no reward. aka that budget increase doesn't go to him or other board members they give there time for when every one is willing to take on other peoples issue for free they can comment on a blog
He has made no effort to make a difference. He has made an effort to get a position. Yes he got a headache by getting his first two votes wrong. Obviously he is unqualified.
wow. i do not know where to begin with all you dimwits out there. There is no way for the board members to review the budget in the 3 weeks they have to look at it. the work has to be done throughout the year, slowly prodding the administratoin to cut here and cut there. the answer would be to make a budget committee like the township did. that committee cut 13%! on the bOE it would be 25%! Yoni went on the board as a symbol and to put pressure on the askanim and current board members /administration to enact bold reform to lower taxes. By voting no and almost defeating it by that, he send a loud message that the taxpayers have had enough.
while all you guys are sitting here writing these messages, he got up and sent that message to those who really have to hear it. he also got the message across. in this regard he did a GREAT JOB and has acomplished what he is there ot do. they now know that they are coming closer to the day that a budget committee will be in place and all the corruption will be exposed. It is working just perfect. Just look at the inzelbuch raise. If not for him, nobody would have even known about it. he is doing a superb job. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK YONI!!!!!
the evening of chizuk is to be mechazyk their baylus of Lakewood and its people. The kollel check is just like Obama’s plan to tax the rich (the much smaller voting population) and schmerr the poor - guaranteeing "ownership" on them - and manipulating them (have the vulnerable kollel yungerlight depend on them)to do their will. Basically a kollel check buys power over the people and buys votes.
(please don’t get me wrong – the emesdike guys being moser nefesh to sit and learn deserve our support – problem is this is not AKs real intention)
To LAC member and Joey,
There is nothing you can do about those commenting against Yoni Silver. They are either people that are currently bleeding the BOE or friends/supporters of them.
They keep on yelling about getting someone competent in there while none of the would ever volunteer for this thankless job (most couldn't even be bothered to vote).
There are many people making a business out of bleeding the BOE, not only MI, they don't want the status quot to change.
Hasenfeld, aren't you happy you lost? Unless you are setup to run by the VAAD you will be attacked. Because people are uncomfortable and unsure of what your plans are. If you are a VAAD candidate they know all they have to do is keep AK happy and he will ensure you don't overturn their applecart.
I must confess I was stung by Skeptic's criticism that I exaggerated the number of posters who bashed Inzelbuch, when I wrote there were 'three dozen'.
So I went back and counted more carefully, reviewing all 86 posts in this thread (omitting duplicates).
I have to admit Skeptic was right. There were 'only' 32 comments (37%) bashing Inzelbuch, not 36, while 4 comments (5%) defended him; all but one signed by Skeptic.
Hopefully the other guys will come to realize soon and vote with u.
Let's all remember for next time. If Eli Hasenfeld got voted-in, the current
bloated budget would likely have been defeated. The taxpayers would have
scored a resounding victory. And there would have been 2, not 1, Board
members squarely on the taxpayers and the students' side. The other Board
members would have likely come around as well, realizing there's a shift in
favor of integrity and accountability.
LAC's is not aware just how much grassroots support they have in the
community. The proof is that their candidate Silver got the highest number
of votes. And further by how much fire Silver is drawing from those who are
entrenched, and are running scared he will look a little closer, and rock
their boat.
LAC's ill-advised last-minute compromise to drop Hasenfeld for Silver was
totally unnecessary appeasement. And as Churchill said, "An appeaser is one
who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last".
Please do not use this forum to attack or poke fun at any individuals. If you you would like to argue or disagree with an individuals' political point of view, please do so in a respectful manner.
Thank you for understanding.
TLS Moderator.
Sholom al yisroel!
It's amazing how just by saying it over and over, the LAC has come to be considered a tax/spending CUT organization when their founding platform was/is to milk the township (other taxpayers) for additional services. Yoni wasn't duped - we've ALL been duped.
LAC Board Member,
You don't endear yourself, or gain support for the LAC by prefacing your remarks with referring to all opponents of LAC or YS as 'dimwits'.In fact I thank you for confirming that my initial dislike for the LAC was well justified.It has intensified since then.Thank you.
Add the "dimwits" comment as the 3rd stupidity of theirs on record - so far. These boys may mean well, but they sure have an awful lot to learn. No one is doing as good a job of burying them as they are doing themselves.
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