Photos below of Avi Solomon campaign papers plastered around BMG parking lot today.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Hachnosas Sefer Torah
Photos and videos below of the Bitton family Hachnosas Sefer Torah today, which went to Zichron Binyomin, attended by the Mashgiach R' Matisyahu Shlita.
Statement From Chief Lawson On New Police Bike

Hachnosas Sefer Torah Today

Ex-Mayor Cunliffe Seeks To Run As Independent For Lakewood Committee

BREAKING NEWS Fire At 7th And Lex
PHOTOS & VIDEOS below. BREAKING NEWS Several TLS reporters are currently on the scene of a fire at the corner of 7th and Lexington. Multiple FD PD and EMS units have just arrived on location to find heavy smoke coming out of the building. Most of the building has been evacuated at this time. We will keep you posted with any further details. Hatzolah has been requested to respond for mutual aid. Photos and videos will be posted soon.
U/D 1:05 a.m As of now, a few patients have been transported to KMC for smoke inhalation. Town hall has been opened up to accommodate the dozens of residents of the home, being transported by Bikur Cholim and Negba bus service.
U/D 2:47 a.m It was an electrical fire which started between the first and second floor. All emergency personnel have cleared the scene and all residents are back home. A big thank you must be given to: The LFD, LPD, Lakewood EMS, Hatzolah, Lakewood Volunteer First Aid Squad, Chaveirim, Bikur Cholim, Negba bus service and the OEM. Also, a big thank you to R' Menashe Miller for opening up Town Hall for the residents.
U/D 1:05 a.m As of now, a few patients have been transported to KMC for smoke inhalation. Town hall has been opened up to accommodate the dozens of residents of the home, being transported by Bikur Cholim and Negba bus service.
U/D 2:47 a.m It was an electrical fire which started between the first and second floor. All emergency personnel have cleared the scene and all residents are back home. A big thank you must be given to: The LFD, LPD, Lakewood EMS, Hatzolah, Lakewood Volunteer First Aid Squad, Chaveirim, Bikur Cholim, Negba bus service and the OEM. Also, a big thank you to R' Menashe Miller for opening up Town Hall for the residents.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
BREAKING NEWS Bachur Assaulted

LPD Officer Assaulted

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Erev Shavuos Shiur At Ateres Yeshaya
Photos below of the Erev Shavuos Shiur going on now at Ateres Yeshaya, given by Reb Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita, with over 100 people in attendance. Photo Credits GB.
Gut Yom Tov From The Lakewood Scoop

Oorah's Erev Shavuos Pickle-Thon!
Photos below of Oorah giving out free pickles today! You can still pick up your free pickles until 5:00 p.m today at 421 W. County Line Rd.
Photos below.BREAKING NEWS A TLS reporter is currently on the scene of a serious MVA on Route 88 with one of the vehicles, a pickup truck, taking out a pole. The LFD and PD are on location as well as JCP&L. One patient has been transported to KMC in stable condition. Photos will be posted shortly.
N.J. Court Approves Major Shift In School Funding

Counties: Rail Line Should Go To Red Bank

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
And The Winner Of The Misaskim Sefer Torah Is...!

Strong Police Presence On Lexington

Readers' Scoop: Excuse Me, Is That Your Child In The Car?
One day this week I went to the cleaners and when I got out of my car I noticed that in the car next to me there was a baby sitting in the car seat with no one watching it and the engine on! Did it ever occur to you that someone can get in to the car and drive off ?!? Yes, I waited for you to come out and timed how long you were inside for... OVER 10 minutes!!! You didn't check on your child once!!!! Do you realize that if someone were to report you c"v, your kids can be taken away from you?!? Just for running in to get your cleaners...You can get locked up...The 30 seconds you saved by not taking your child out of the car, could cost you hours upon hours of explaining in the police station...You could have the burden of dealing with the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS)...even if you ran in for just 30 seconds. Please wake up!...Before it's too late.
A father who cares.
Free Pickles From Oorah Tomorrow!
Segulah For Shavuos From Harav Elyashiv Shlita
Military Lunch At Yussi's Grill
Photos and Exclusive video below of the military lunch which took place this afternoon at Yussi's Grill in Westgate. Chaplain Capt. Berdugo along with other Chaplains and Chapel Staff of the U.S Army, were invited by U.S. Air Force Reservist and Committeeman Menashe Miller, for a lunch in Lakewood.
Video has temporarily been removed.
Video has temporarily been removed.
Mazel Tov! Baby Boy To Duvy & Blima Perkowsky

Free Grape Juice And Free Tie From The Swavecard People

Motor Vehicle Commission Fees On The Rise

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mesivta Keser Torah Of Belmar Dinner
Photos below of the Mesivta Keser Torah of Belmar dinner this evening at the Bais Yaakov hall on James Street, which was attended by the Novaminsker Rebbe Shlita.
Photo credits-TLS-48
Photo credits-TLS-48
Photos below BREAKING NEWS. A TLS reporter is currently on the scene of a van which smashed into a house on Countyline Road and Monmouth Ave. The van was hit by another car causing it to drive approximately 25 feet through the property and into the house. There are B'H no injuries to any parties involved. Photos will be posted shortly.
Area Home Prices Fall By Record 11.9 Percent

URGENT Tehillim Needed For 4 Month Old
Mazel Tov! Engagement Of Chayim Dovid Spiegel
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hachnosas Sefer Torah To White Oaks Shul
Photos and videos below of the Hachnosas Sefer Torah at the White Oaks Shul, Bais Medrash Tiferes Yisroel, which took place this evening. The Sefer Torah was donated by the Rov, Harav Yisroel Minzer Shlita.
Siyum Hashas At BMG For Shloshim Of Harav Yonah Hershkowitz Z'L
Photos below of the Sheloshim Siyum Hashas for Harav Yonah Herskowitz Z'L, father of BMG administrator, Harav Mordchai Hershkowitz, which was held today at the BMG and was attended by the Roshei Yeshiva Shlita.
Photo credits TLS-48
Photo credits TLS-48
Harav Avrohom Schorr Shlita In Lakewood
Photos below of Harav Avrohom Schorr Shlita speaking about Shavuos today, at the Central Court shul.
Photo credits TLS-48
Photo credits TLS-48
Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah At Ateres Yeshaya
Photos below of the Memorial Day Yarchei Kallah at Ateres Yeshaya. The speakers were, Harav Shmuel Felder Shlita and Rabbi Benzion Shafier of the Shmuz.
Photo credits -TLS-48
Photo credits -TLS-48
Bnos Bais Yaakov High School Purchases Building

Lakewood Police First In Ocean County For Automatic License Plate Reader
Memorial Day In Lakewood
Photos and videos below of the parade and services held today, in honor of Memorial Day. In addition to the Mayor, Committeemen and other local officials who attended the services, Lakewood had the honor to be joined by Chaplain Capt. Raphael Berdugo and Assemblymen Malone and Dancer. Committeeman and U.S Army Reservist Menashe Miller, was M.C.
Harav Yaakov Bender Shlita In Lakewood
Photos below of Harav Yaakov Bender Shlita giving a pre-Shavous Schmooze to Darchei Torah alumni last night, at the home of Joe Novaseller.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
BMG Roshei Yeshiva In Toronto This Evening
Exclusive photos below of the BMG Roshei Yeshiva Reb Dovid and Reb Malkiel Shlita as well as the Mashgiach Reb Matisyahu Shlita in Toronto, at the parlor meeting this evening at the home of R' Shlomo Zolty. (Thank you A.H.Y).
Senator Arlen Specter Visits BMG
Photos and video below of Senator Arlen Specter visiting BMG this afternoon, after the fundraiser dinner at the home of Casriel Roberts. The senator and his wife were given a tour of the new building and the Senator got a first hand learning experience in BMG by sitting down at a 'Shtender' and 'shmoozing' with the Bachurim!
Senator Arlen Specter At The Roberts Home
Photos and videos below of the fundraiser dinner held for Republican turned Democrat, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator of Pennsylvania, which took place this afternoon at Casriel Roberts' residence. Many officials and Askanim were in attendance including, Police Chief Rob Lawson, R' Aaron Kotler, Committeeman and Deputy Mayor Steve Langert, Committeeman Menashe Miller, P.G Waxman, R' Mordechai Hershkowitz and many others.
Hachnosas Sefer Torah Hearth Ct Shul
Photos and videos below of the Hachnosas Sefer Torah which was donated to the Hearth Court Shul this afternoon.
Chaplain Captain Raphael Berdugo Honored For Services Overseas
Photos below. Chaplain Capt. Raphael Berdugo was presented with a township resolution on Thursday, by Committeeman Menashe Miller, applauding him for his services done overseas at the various bases that he was at over Pesach. (See photos and videos of the trip here on The Lakewood Scoop). The Lakewood township governing body recognizes those residents that serve this country and publicly welcomes them back with a township thank you them upon their return.
Photo credits CM.
Photo credits CM.
BMG Roshei Yeshiva And Mashgiach Shlita In Toronto
Exclusive photos and video below of the Roshei Yeshiva and Mashgiach Shlita in Toronto, at the Melaveh Malka last night, at the home of R' Avrohom Shmiel (Sammy) Gross. (Thank you H.M and A.H.Y)
Win A Sefer Torah Today

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Utility Rates May Rise For Frequent Users

Small Plane Crash At Allaire Airport
Walter Goldeski "Kick Out Illegal Immigrants - Not Lakewood Tent City"
Walter Goldeski, East Brunswick.Sl.
Friday, May 22, 2009
BMG Roshei Yeshiva Headed To Toronto With Private Jet
Photos below of the Roshei Yeshiva Reb Yeruchem Shlita, Reb Dovid Shlita, Reb Malkiel Shlita and the Mashigiach Reb Matisyahu Shlita, headed to Toronto for Shabbos, this morning, with a private jet, which is owned by a Toronto philanthropist who wishes to remain anonymous.
Photos have been removed upon request.
Photos have been removed upon request.
Suspect Nabbed By Tracking Device In Bus Vandalizing
TLS-01/TLS-15 exclusive for Voice/Hamodia
Nicholas Montenegro Sworn In To Tax Board

LCSW Member Gets Log Through Car Window

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Admor Of Yareslov Shlita In Lakewood
Photos below of the Admor M'Yareslov, Harav Shloime Rokeach Shlita, Einekel of the earlier Belzer Rebbe Zatzal, visiting Lakewood this evening. A parlor was held at the home of Reb Shaul Simcha Friedman Shlita, Rav D'khal Shemen L'mincha of Brookhill.
Photo credits TLS-23
Photo credits TLS-23
You Can Still Purchase Your 'Hey, You Never Know' Ticket

BREAKING NEWS Bais Shalom Evacuated Again
U/D 1:57 p.m The fire Department has just notified PD, that the odor seems to have cleared and those evacuated were allowed back in. The gas company inspector has been requested to inspect the building.
Ocean County Police Academy Graduation Ceremony
Photos and videos below of the Ocean County Police Academy graduation ceremony which took place this morning at Georgian Court University, as hundreds of family members looked on. The classes which graduated, were class 92nd Basic Police Recruit Class and the 25th SLEO ll Recruit Class. In attendance, were Ocean County Board Of Chosen Freeholder John P. Kelly, Chairman of Law & Public Safety Joseph H. Vicari, Director, John C. Bartlett Jr. and Deputy Director James F. Lacey, Gerry P. Little. Many State Troopers, as well as high ranking Officers including Sergeant Frank Work of the Lakewood Police Department, who's family member graduated, also attended. Graduating Officers were from Ocean County Sheriff's Department, Toms River Police Department, Seaside Park Police Department, Pt. Pleasant Police Department, Ocean Township Police Department, Beach Haven Police Department, Bay Head Police Department and Ship Bottom Police Department.(TLS).
Tfillah From Shloh Hakodosh To Be Said Today
Thank you TLS-60 and TLS-WM.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Photos And Videos Of The BMG Event
Photos and videos below of the BMG annual evening of Chizuk event. The winner of the raffle for the trip to Eretz Yisroel, is Yoel Charach!!
Isaac Honig/ Mezamrim.
Lakewood And Other NJ Police Departments Receive New Bikes
Tomchei Shabbos Of Lakewood Seeks Help From Trenton

BREAKING NEWS Bais Faiga Update
Frum Businesses To Advertise On Billboard Tonight
Updated BREAKING NEWS Pedestrian Struck
Photos below BREAKING NEWS Hatzolah is responding to a call on Madison between 7th and 8th for a pedestrian struck. Medics are being dispatched at this time. We will keep you posted with further details.
U/D 8:20 a.m The bachur is being transported by Hatzolah medics to Jersey Shore hospital in Serious condition R'L. Traffic and Safety officials are on scene and CIU units are being requested. The Hispanic driver has been taken in for blood alcohol level testing.
U/D 9:20 a.m B'H the bachur is in stable condition at this time.
U/D 9:35 a.m Route 9 has been reopened in both directions.
U/D 9:48 a.m The name for tehillim is Betzalel Elisha Ben Reitza Baila.
U/D 5/21 1:38 a.m Baruch Hashem the bachur is doing well and is expected to make a full recovery.
U/D 8:20 a.m The bachur is being transported by Hatzolah medics to Jersey Shore hospital in Serious condition R'L. Traffic and Safety officials are on scene and CIU units are being requested. The Hispanic driver has been taken in for blood alcohol level testing.
U/D 9:20 a.m B'H the bachur is in stable condition at this time.
U/D 9:35 a.m Route 9 has been reopened in both directions.
U/D 9:48 a.m The name for tehillim is Betzalel Elisha Ben Reitza Baila.
U/D 5/21 1:38 a.m Baruch Hashem the bachur is doing well and is expected to make a full recovery.
TONIGHT! The BMG Event Of The Year
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Talmud Torah Bais Avrohom Dinner
Photos below of the Talmud Torah Bais Avrohom dinner, which took place this evening at Lake Terrace.
Photos credits TLS-48
Photos credits TLS-48
Say Goodbye To Your Property Tax Rebate (Unless You're A Senior)

National Emergency Medical Services Week
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