Get hungry while driving down Route 9? Well, in about two weeks, you'll have where to stop in and grab a bite! A new Grill & Takeout is coming to town at the former Getty station. The Lakewood Scoop spoke with the manager
BW, who said, besides for the
Falaffel, Shwarma and Subs they will be carrying on a daily basis, Thursday evenings and
Erev Shabbos they will be carrying a full Shabbos Takeout menu including a huge selection of their own dips. Talking about dips, if you'd like to receive two Free dips a week for a month, send in your store name suggestion and if it's chosen, you will win those free dips of your choice! suggestions can be sent to
thelakewoodscoop@gmail.com. (Lookout for the ads in the
the grill and takeout.
a name that says it all
ess fress un brech
"grub"ba baal haboss
adom cabehaimos nidmu
take 3
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