Congratulations!! The winners of the Board Of Educations' three year term seats, are, in order of Votes:
1) Yoni Silver 2,458= 27.23%
2) Irene
Miccio 2,157 =23.90%,
3) Meir
Grunhut 1,833 =20.31% !! May they be
Matzliach in all their endeavors! The Budget was not passed by a landslide vote of
85.16% who voted NO and
14.84% who voted YES.
What about the rest of the results? How many votes did Gonzales and Hasenfeld get?
i want a recount like al gor did in florida why did eli hasenfeld not get in to first place after being endorsed by the l.a.c something is not rigt here
1. They Not in that Building anymore they moved to Chemed
2. How many did Hasnfeld Get????
What about the budget? Did it pass?
(3 three-year terms)
√ Irene Miccio* — 2,157
√ Jonathan Silver — 2,458
√ Meir Grunhut* — 1,833
Ada I. Gonzalez* — 1,443
Eli Hasenfeld — 1,049
Tax levy — $$72,381,018
Votes for — 447
√ Votes against — 2,566
the sad news is the VAAD won this one!!
the VAAD must be exposed for who they really are. this is the first step (of many) to take down & eradicate this chilul Hashem amongst us!!
The voters won the battle but lost the war.
The corruption will go up allong with your tax dollars.
Many are in dire need of a "Refua-shlaima".
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