Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One Week Left For Your Chance To Win An Entire Pesach.

These words are enough to strike fear and uncertainty into any home at any time. Let alone as Pesach approaches and all the details and preparations that it entails. For someone in the hospital over a Yom Tov it can be extremely trying, not to be with family and its support system. Bikur Cholim supplies a full array of services including fully stocked pantries with abundant Pesach delicacies, a house to accommodate family members that is cleaned for Pesach and stocked with a variety of Pesach foods, supplies, Seforim and anything one might need for a comfortable stay under the difficult circumstances. Transportation to and from medical facilities, or just a local handicapped ride so a loved one can be with family for חול המועד meals, as well as numerous medical equipment from hospital beds to wheelchairs for ailing patients. As one patient put it, “the normalcy Bikur Cholim provided in this trying time really kept the יוס טוב spirit even in these dire surroundings”. The Second Annual $10 Grand Pesach Raffle will help fund the monumental expense of providing Pesach for families in need.

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