Friday, March 27, 2009

The Lakewood Cheder Opens Registration For 2009/2010

The Lakewood Cheder has just announced the opening of its' registration for boys and girls for primary for the year 2009/2010. Applications will only be considered for boys and girls whose birthday is before December 31st 2009. If this is your first daughter,both parents must come to registration and meet with the principal. Being that is is close to pesach and difficult for mothers to come, registration for primary girls will be after pesach. Please bring along your child's immunization record as well as the birth certificate, to the Gratter building at 100 park Ave. Also, if you have the internet, you must bring along an ISHUR from your rov. For a full schedule and times, see the notice in this weeks bp weekly.


Anonymous said...

I noticed two words were conspicuously missing from their ad...."Bais Faiga" I reading too much into it ..or am I on to something?

Anonymous said...

Yeah was kind of wondering the same thing...

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see there are still some innocent souls out ther (voice readers, no doubt)