Dear Editor,
I'd like to say a few words about the cars on the roads of Lakewood. It is my observation that many cars in Lakewood meet one of two extremes. They are either clunkers that haven't been cashed in or gashmius driving out of control. I feel that it is a chillul Hashem when yidden drive around in car with cracked windows or dents. Lakewood isn't the ghetto and the frum community shouldn't present themselves in such a way. On the other hand, I feel that all these new Altimas and Hondas on the roads of Lakewood is just another example of how we yidden forget to be modest about the blessings that Hashem is showering upon us. (Read more)
altimas and hondas? that's gashmius? wait till you get to Beverly Hills...
There are alot of cars with broken signal lights & headlights. Its just common sense to be a good driver.
things must be going very well for you , if this is what your kvetching about.
Just a stupid article, who are you to tell me to throw out my old car that runs perfectly well and it’s totally safe? I just can’t afford a new car. It seems that M. Spinka had nothing better to do other then write this article without giving it a bit of thought first.
You know, it's funny, I'm curious what exactly makes you the expert on what is fancy, and what is junk? Maybe I spend numerous hours a day in my car therefore I may spend a little more. Or, maybe I am unable to afford to do anything more than "band-aid" my car! Maybe, I drive a car that fits what you think I should be driving, but when someone dented it, I opted to use that money for tuition, or my shul, or to take my family out on a small trip!!
Just my thughts.
Dear letter writer,
I dont know what you drive but i want to explain the reason for the 2009-10 Altimas and Hondas on the road. Leasing is for 2 types of ppl: A) the wealthy ppl that dont mind how much they spend on a car. B) the ppl that don't have so much money to spend on a car.
Majority of this town doesnt have money that they can pay off a car with or put a down payment. This is a town of kollel ppl and working ppl and the expenses to live as a frum yid are many. Therefore, for a lot of ppl it makes a lot of sense for them to lease. Now go to any car leasing business and they will only lease you a new car. They will not lease you a 2005 or 2006.
As for the wealthy ppl, they have obviously made the decision to drive a nicer car. Why does it bother you? Its assur to be jealous of others. And, rather than looking around at others and how and what others are spending their money on, its a good rule if life to stay focused on our own lives. Lastly, if someone has money they are allowed to use it to buy themselves nice things. There is nothing wrong with that!
Kol tuv
after spending much time reviewing the facts, leasing over 3 years will very likely come out cheaper than the many headaches of owning an older, used car. most parts are covered for basically all 3 years, and the menuchas hanefesh alone would be worth a few extra dollars...
all the best to all :)
thanks so much for worrying about klal yisroel!
there are some people that really need to get a life or job or something, letter writer u have way too much time on your hands, first of all if the clunkers are really bothering you (and I barely see any in lakewood these days) why don't u open up your wallet and help these guys out as for the toyota they just last longer and there are really good deals out there . we are not mechuyiv to throw out money in the garbge. gone are the days when we spend hours and hundreds in the shop, or sitting with the overheated cars waiting for chaverim . also whatever happpened to mah tovu ohalecha yaakov? can everyone please mind their own business?????
Anonymous 7:15--My thoughts exactly. Where do people find the time to think about such nareshkeiten and then find time to actually write a letter about them?
There are some really major problems out there. If you need to think about everyone else's business, focus on those!
i don't have extra money to buy a used car and then spend hundreds of dollars to fix it every few months. so it actually makes sense to lease
Does it matter what kind of car you drive to get you child into a school here? If so, do I have to drive the clunker or the ritzy Honda? Please advise because I am STILL waitning to hear from the schools!!!
i had a 2003 car but you would never know that because ppl dont care about my car and use my bumper as a car stop when they park or a door cushion when they open their doors into my car. so you say it looks like a clunker i say when the guy who shmashed my side fender comes back to pay for it i will fix it, till then please steer clear of my car.
Hey! I think you'd better keep your eyes on the road rather than on other people's cars! It is a great chilul Hashem when you rear end someones Bentley because you were busy checking out the Accord on the other side of the road.
this is the most obnoxious letter I have ever read, you little snotnose.
If a guy is driving around in a clunker, I am 99% sure he is not doing it to annoy you personally. More likely that is all he can afford. So what do you want him to do?
And if a guy has money and chooses to drive a brand new car, it is not your concern. Look at it as an opportunity to work on your middos...
THis is what is wrong with Lakewood. YOu think everyone should be the same, and do it YOUR way.
so mind your own business.
Why don't you look at the bright side. People don't have the $$ to lay out for a 7K-10K car so they lease a car for $200 a month that doesn't brake..............................................And some people just like nice things. Its like anything else out there. If you like a nice suite, you pay the extra couple of bucks...
I drive two cars vehicles, one a used newish 2007 odyssey mini-van, and an old buick. I spent the money on a "better" mini-van because in the long run it will be cheaper, so while it may be newer at the moment, hopefully I'll still have it in six years, and then it wont be, and you'll be happy. when I first got married the buick landed in my lap for free, so I took it. now that I bought a new car, and I need a second car, should I just throw it out? do you want to buy me a more average second car?
a better question, what the hell is your problem?
Driving a clunker is not a chillul Hashem. Many goyim actually respect frugal, or financially responsible people who spend within their means.
SOOO if an Honda or Nissan is "FANCY" then I guess I'm totally out of line driving around my brand new Jaguar XF...
Let me get this straight you must buy a used car every two three years since most second hand cars that are sold are already not in the greatest condtition. Well I have to pay tuition and all expenses since I can't get onto any government programs. So there for I lease a car since I have so much to pay for that by the time i pay up for A SECOND HAND car I would buy it will need so much work and put so much money into it IT IS NOT WORTH IT.
check your numbers and maybe realize you are not the only person in this world everyone is in diff situations and if you have a problem with it open up a free car place and free body shop for everyone who cant afford it;
Hatzlocha if you need a number to a psychotherapist I can give you one.
M. Spinka -
Don't be a coward and just sit there reading everybody's reaction to your letter. Let's see a response from you.
By the way,you can borrow my 1995 LeSabre whenever you like. So far it's outlasted 2 minivans & 1 SUV!
wow ur really bored with ur time instead of crying over nothing why dont u get a job and buy ur "fancy honda" btw what do u know about cars if u think a new honda is fancy first learn what highclass is and then u can (maybe) talk also do u must not drive in lakewood bec u cant park and not get dented and scrathed ull be in the shop always so why dont u first stop making my cars in to cluckers and then will talk have a great life
why are we soooooooooooo worried about this? We should all be outside the houses of the heads of the mosdos demanding that each and every child be placed in a school. and to all of you who think what's the big deal *MY* kid is in a school, well you never do know, do you? what about your next kid? or maybe some principal will see you in your new honda and get jealous and out you will go. Please call every vaad member right now and demand that the school situation be resolved.
thank you from a parent who's suffering
What is this about calling VAAD members . The VAAD doesnt make schools . The only work on band aid solutions ,during the times when there arent enough schools . parents go get off your rocking chairs and make more schools and then you wont need anyy VAAD to help you . when weas the last time you needed a VAAD to get a call to find A mesivta willing to take your son . You probably got 20 call practically begging for you to send him to a mesivta ,even if he doesnt know how to open a gemorrah .
Why should you call the VAAD?
I'll tell you why.
When they gaurentee that your child will be placed in a HS, and as of last night they are not.
That is why every VAAD member should be called.
if a honda is soo fancy then what is my 2009 escalade
the VAAD is very adamant that we ALL go out and vote the way they ask us too. they claim that thru the achdus we are strong. if they want the benefit then they need to step up to the plate when the oilam is suffering. YOU CANT JUST HAVE THE BENEFIT (VOTING BLOCK) without the responsibilty for their issues.
of course your girl is not in HS you are on the INTERNET! Feh.
And now that you are only 1 in 40 they will track you down, and weed you out.
Why don't you open your own school?
this is great. how we go from cars to schools to vaad.
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