Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Historic Hachnosas Sefer Torah At BMG

PHOTOS & VIDEO of the Historic Hachnosas Sefer Torah which took place this evening. The Sephardic Sefer Torah, donated by the family of Edward Massry was the first of it's kind to be donated to BMG. Thousands took part in the event which was attended by the Roshei Hayeshiva Reb Malkiel Shlita, Reb Yisroel Shlita and by the Mashgiach Reb Matisyahu Shlita. (Mobile users click here to view video on youtube).



Anonymous said...

Beautiful,just curious does BMG have a sephardic minyan? When will they use this sefer torah?

Anonymous said...

Very nice - but why couldn't this be done bain hasmanim. Count the people that are not learning during ELul zman because of this - L'maisah it's nice but doesn't do much for your Neshamah in Elul.

Anonymous said...

the sefer torah will be used during rosh hashana and yom kippur when there is a sephardic minyan in beis eliyahu . the sefer torah was just completed and is about to be used so zerizim makdimim

Anonymous said...

lmaise its a nice sefer , it has flowers on it lemaiseh so it ok lechioyra even in elul.

Grickmeyer said...

Totaly a PR stunt