Thursday, July 31, 2008

continued Tznius Reminder From Gedolei Lakewood

(Continued) This is especially applicable to maternity wear, where the present trend is to make the clothing tight fitting to reveal the shape of the body. Also included, are tight fitting skirts which emphasize the thigh area. Signed by: R' Matisyahu Solomon Shlita, R' Osher Chaim Lieberman Shlita, R' Yaakov Forscheimer Shlita, R' Shloime Miller Shlita, R' Henoch Shachar Shlita, R' Simcha Bunim Cohen, R' Shmuel Felder Shlita, R' Shmuel Meir Katz Shlita. (Click here to comment on front page).


Anonymous said...

Is there also a list of how men should dress , summer and year round?

Anonymous said...

Where are the signitures of the Roshai Hayishevah. I think its a chutzpah to put out a letter in their town without their signitures on it.

Anonymous said...

its a little late for this letter the whole summer is practically behind us. every one already bought the summer clothes a long time ago, unless this is for next year (because Lakewood peaple buy everything at the year end sale)

visiter said...

I'm not from lakewood although I visit often enough I've heard of most of those rabbanim but who is rabbi henoch shachar? is he a posek in lakewood ? Or is he also from Toronto?