Sunday, July 27, 2008

Continued President Of BOE Resigns-Message From The LAC

(Continued) The appointment of Gonzales is only until next elections.The new president is Mr. Abe Ostreicher, who also came prepared with his acceptance speech, and the new VP is Mr. Tracey Tift, a board member since March 2009. The LAC feels that making such an appointment without a proper discussion and advertising, opening the position for resume's and picking the most suitable candidate, seems like someone has an agenda here. We feel this fits in well with the process taken in picking the superintendent. While Mrs. Silva is a great candidate, the process seemed to suggest that an agenda was at play.We would like to let the public know that the Vaad and some board members have been ignoring the LAC entirely and the interests of the kehillah at large. They are more concerned with who has the power over what is best for the oilam. If we do not stand up for what we need we will be paying for it with our wallets. Next year there will be 4 open seats on the board of Ed: Tracey Tift, Ada Ginzales, Meir Neuman, And Akiva Gontar. At that point in time the kehilla will have their chance to speak for themselves. Click here to comment on front page.

1 comment:

waiting for elections said...

This is a wake up call to everyone who cares about taxes in this town. Now is not a time to keep quiet . Enough back room wrangling. Out with those that have nobody but their own honor and $$ at stake. Its time to eradicate all forms of bribery and corruption , open , or Lakewood style. It's all the same , we are the one's who lose.