Sunday, July 27, 2008

Readers' Scoop: I Was Abused

(Continued) Lonely. Lonely? Can you imagine the feeling of being surrounded by friends, yet unable to get help from any of them? Can you imagine the feeling of being the post popular girl in the class, yet staring at all of the admiring girls from behind a huge glass partition? Can you imagine the feeling of being surrounded by masses of girls, dancing in a happy circle around the radiant Kallah, yet feeling like I am the only one who isn't part of the joy?
Angry. Angry? Sure I am angry at my abuser, but it's more than that. I feel angry at the world. Angry at the people who have created a society where I have to be ashamed, to keep HIS secret. Hurt. Hurt? Yes, physically hurt. This man hurt me, but it was more than that. I am also hurt at those few people who know my secret, who are privy to my pain. Hurt at their lack of support. Hurt at their lack of understanding.
Shocked. Shocked? Shocked that this could happen to a "regular" girl like me. Shocked at the way one man can change the entire course of my life. Shocked that people aren't doing more to stop it.
Frustrated. Frustrated? Frustrated that people think I did something wrong. I was six years old at the time. Frustrated that people pity me. I am still a regular girl. Frustrated that people think it doesn't happen in "our" world. Frustrated that we can't talk about such things. Frustrated that people are sweeping a problem that is such a big part of my life under the rug.
Hopeful. Hopeful? Hopeful that some day in the near future, I won't be forced under a blanket of shame. Hopeful that Hashem will continue to give me the strength to grow from my challenges and use my experiences to help others in similar situations. Hopeful that frum publications will continue to help raise awareness by printing my letter.
Happygirl. (Click here to comment on front page).


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was printed two weeks ago in the yated. doesn't make it old.

mylyfnothis said...

this is happening in our world whether u want to except it or not. it takes a brave soul to put her/himself out there and tell their story. whether u believe its happening or not, it did to this young lady and i think for all those non believers an apology is in order!!!! i personally know the author of this letter, and believe me it is very true, and then some!!!!!

Anonymous said...

unfortunately in todays society we have to open the eyes of our little ones we have to teach them to come to us right away and we have to be supportive and loving no matter what may happen we live in a SICK world and i daven every day that my children and all yiddishe neshamos out there should be safe

Anonymous said...

what diff does it make if the letter is old or new the idea is equally as painful .Such behavior ruins childerns lives ,since our commiunity is closed about these topics they suffer even more .My heart goes out for her holding it in all these feeling for all the years i hope she gets proper help now and that would enable her to trust again